There Is No Fear In The Night

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Before Natasha even got home she was already thinking about sneaking out with Wanda so she could meet her new friends. It would be after dinner of course. Sure, they would get in trouble but they've been in trouble multiple times so why would this time be any different.

Natasha got home and told Wanda all about the people she'd met that day. She told her about  the  stories that Sam told her, the laughter she shared with Steve and Bucky, and how she thought that Thor was making Bruce angry.

Wanda laughed and smiled with each story she'd told and Natasha had never seen her so happy.

"I think I would like them..very much." Wanda said at the end of one of Natasha's stories.

"What if I told you that you could meet them?" Natasha said with a smile.

Wanda's eyes lit up.

"Does that mean we're sneaking out?" She asked her smile growing wider.

Natasha nodded, getting up to open the window. 

Wanda followed her friend closely and watched her as she climbed out the window and  climb down the utility pipe that led into the front yard. 

Natasha jumped down, landing in the soft grass. She looked up, noticing her friend looking a bit scared.

"Wanda? Are you alright?" She asked.

"Yeah..I just.." Wanda trailed  off.

"It's not that bad... I'll catch you if you fall. I promise." Natasha stated crossing an 'x' with her finger where her heart would be.

Wanda nodded.

She put her left foot down on the windowsill and took a deep breath.

Three years ago~

"C'mon, Wanda..." He called from  the bottom of the dark alley way.

"But I'm scared, Pietro." Wanda said, her voice small. 

Wanda held on to the pipe tighter, her hands shaking.

"You'll be fine. I'll catch you if you fall. I promise." Pietro said with a reassuring smile.


Wanda carefully put her foot down onto the top of the pipe. The wind blew, and she thought she'd felt her bones rattle with fear.

Climbing down carefully, Wanda thought about the adventures she would have if only she could find her brother and father. If she found them she would take Natasha with her and they'd live a fabulous life in the suburbs and not some sucky academy for orphan children with special abilities.

Before she knew it, Wanda was down on the soft grass beside her friend.

"See, I told you it wasn't that bad." Natasha said with a proud smile on her face.

"Yeah..." Wanda said, nodding.

"Well, what are we waiting for...Let's go!" Natasha cheered, her smile beaming.

And there they were the two strongest girls at S.H.I.E.L.D's academy for lost children, running through the starlit streets to find a farm in the middle of nowhere, to meet some friends by the creek. They do this because there is no fear in the dark, only friendship if you're willing to find it.

((Heyyyy I'm back! Y'all see how I was trying to be all poetic and stuff  in that last line? It's okay it doesn't matter anyway. I know that this chapter is short it's just because I didn't want to cram everything in one chapter so I didn't. Anyway, see y'all next chapter.))

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