We Meet In The Woods at 6:00

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Wanda woke up to Natasha looking at herself in the mirror. She wore a black and white striped skirt and a white blouse.

"Where are you going?" Wanda asked, sleep still in her voice.

Natasha turned to Wanda's bed.

"Administrator Fury is taking me to see someone." She replied.

"Oh," Wanda said as she got out of bed.

"Why so early?" She asked.

"Apparently, this James guy lives out of town," Natasha said with a grin.

"Like how far?" Wanda asked.

"The countryside," Natasha replied.

Wanda plopped back down on her bed.

"I wish I could go.." She said.

"I'm tired of being cooped up in this place!" Wanda complained.

"I mean you can try sneaking out again..." Natasha recommended.

"Pfft...I wish..After the last incident, Fury doesn't want me out on the streets again." Wanda said in reply.

"What happened last time?" Natasha asked.

"I tried to find my brother," Wanda said.

Natasha didn't reply. She knew how much Wanda wanted to find her brother. The two were separated as children. It was quite scary for Wanda because she depended on her brother and her brother depended on her. They were twins after all.

"We'll find him soon," Natasha began.

"I promise." She said putting her hand on Wada's shoulder.

Wanda smiled at Natasha.

"You'd better get going," Wanda said.

"You're right, I wouldn't want to keep anyone waiting," Natasha replied.

The car ride to the farm was extremely far and insufferable. Natasha decided to call this farm 'the far away farm' just because of the ride.

When she got out of the car she was told to wait for a while. Although Natasha didn't want to wait any longer, she stood and waited by the car.

Soon after Fury had finished his conversation with two brunette parents, a kid, around Natasha's age, come walking up to the group of adults. He looked just like his father only he was taller. A Shetland Sheepdog followed behind him, trotting with a happy wag of their tail. Natasha was called over to the group.

"Natasha, I would like you to meet James Buchanan Barnes. He's a training S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, just like you." Fury said, introducing the two.

"Natasha Romanoff, a pleasure to meet you," Natasha said, shaking James's hand.

"James..uh..you too," James said with a little uncertainty.

"James dear, why don't you show Natasha around." A woman, who may have been James's mother said.

"Yes ma'am," James said politely.

Natasha and James began walking across the big open field that laid in front of them. The sheepdog continued to follow the two on their walk. James noticed Natasha looking back at the dog.

"Do you like him? His name is Roger. Kinda based off of my best friend who's last name happens to be Rogers." James said, also looking back at the gray colored dog.

"Yeah. He seems like a really sweet dog." Natasha said petting Roger.

"Why do you live so far?" Natasha asked after a comfortable silence.

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