Meet the Characters

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This is a brief summary of each character, and some others of the next generation of what I believe they're like. Some of the characters are used more than the others I tried to do the main characters first and the background ones later. And I'm not doing the adults we already know them.

Albus Severus Potter: the definition of middle child syndrome. Angsty and impulsive. What one might call him emo, and like is namesakes resourceful and lurking in the background biding his time. Best friends with Scorpius. Doesn't have the best relationship with either of his parents. A true Slytherin. Didn't like Quidditch until recently and now plays it but uses it as a way to distract himself from his growing feelings for his best friend. Doesn't know what to be when he grows up.

Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy: the only child of Draco and Astoria Malfoy. Best friends with Albus. Quite and smart but ambitious making him a true Slytherin. Competitive with Rose for getting the highest grades of their year. Protective and loving. Secretly loves his best friend hoping he feels the same. Gets lonely at home but always tries looking to the positives as often as possible. A follower but can stand up for himself. Just a cute little bean. Supportive and wants to follow in his father's footsteps and become a healer.

James Sirius Potter: the oldest of the Potter kids, just like his namesakes, jokester and prankster, with his cousin Fred; loves the game of Quidditch, plays chaser and a real athlete; and a true Gryffindor of bravery. Doesn't understand his brother and teases him still about his placement. Has a big heart but let's his pride get the better of him. Best friends with Marcus Davies and dating Merida Finnegan-Thomas Wants to be an auror like his father. Uses the fact that Harry Potter is his father to his advantage.

Lily Luna Potter: the youngest of the Potter kids. A fiery redhead, that will cuss anyone out for you. Bold and loud. Has a temper that's ready to explode at any given point. Along with being a smart person she's also loyal to her friends and family first. Like her namesakes as well as her mother. Enjoys watching Quidditch rather than playing. A true Gryffindor at heart.

Marcus Davies: an impulsive and bold person. A tall brown haired teen. Best friends with James and will do anything for them. Has a dark side as well, but tries not to let if show. Jealousy and self centeredness gets the better of him sometimes and bullies other over it.

Merida Finnegan-Thomas: a quite and easygoing girl; whose accepting of just about anyone. Is dating James, after much debate over it and persistence of the latter. Adopted into her family for a better life. A muggleborn witch who adores her family. Smart and logical but sees past the outside of a persons actions and tries to see and understand their true intentions.

Tracy Nott: the twin sister of Brian and they do just about everything together. A mysterious dark haired girl who hangs around with Albus and Scorpius in class and at mealtimes. Tries to be the voice of reason when it comes her male counterparts. Smart and sarcastic; a Slytherin at heart.

Brian Nott: the twin brother of Tracy, also hangs out with Albus and Scorpius. Witty and funny but can also be quite scary and mysterious like his sister. Dark haired and tall; he tries to stay calm and cool headed and has ambitions that are beyond his years. A true Slytherin.

Fred Weasley II: the embodiment of his namesake. Loves Quidditch, jokes and pranks with James. Best friends with Nicholas Jordan, a truly brave soul waiting to prove himself. Won't take no for an answer and has made a name for himself and looks forward to working with his father and uncle in the family business, the joke shop. He's smart and determined but can be lazy if not motivated. Gets along great with family; the older brother for Roxy.

Roxy Weasley: the younger sister of Fred. She's her own person, and fashionable unlike the others, but is loyal to her family and will do anything for them. Plays Quidditch as well as the Gryffindor seeker, a position she takes pride in. A true Gryffindor.

Rose Granger-Weasley: a feisty redhead who is much like the mini version of her mother. Loves reading and books more than people. But can be competitive with it comes to school work. The first born child of the Granger-Weasleys. Doesn't have many friends due to her refuge to the library at almost all hours of the day. Was best friends with Albus, but drifted after their sortings into different houses. A true Ravenclaw at heart and values her knowledge of learning. Doesn't have time to care for a game as trivial as Quidditch.

Hugo Granger-Weasley: the opposite of his sister. Is a master of Wizarding chess and can beat anyone, including his father. Looks up to his cousins James and Fred, wanting to be like them and follow in their footsteps. A laid back caring boy who loves the game of Quidditch as well, but isn't allowed to play until fifth year. The youngest of the Weasley grandchildren being only three months younger than Lily.

Teddy Lupin: A former Hufflepuff, and metamorphgus like his mother. The very definition of a 'hufflepunk'. Loves his god-family and is training to be an auror. Dating Victorie Weasley. Smart and good on a broomstick. A witty and funny blue haired guy. Which changes with his mood.

Victorie Weasley: the oldest of the Weasley grandchildren. Beautiful and blonde like her mother. Fluent in both English and French. A former Beauxbatons student, who transfered to Hogwarts in her fourth year was a Ravenclaw. Dating Teddy Lupin and best friends with her sister.

Dominique Weasley: a bold and feisty blonde girl, takes after her mother. Marches to the beat of her own drum. A former Beauxbatons student as well and is also fluent in both languages. (never went to Hogwarts) Middle child of Bill and Fleur, but rarely feels left out, best friends with her sister.

Louis Weasley: a recent Hogwarts graduate. Decided to not go to Beauxbatons like his sisters. The first of the grandchildren to be sorted into Gryffindor. Often forgotten about in the mix when everyone is gathered, but takes it well and jokes about it. Kind and caring and a brave person and is training to be a professor.

Molly Weasley II: the oldest of Percy and Audrey's. A smart and logical person. Creative and intuitive as a former Ravenclaw should, now working alongside her father in the ministry. Best friends with her sister and cousins.

Lucy Weasley: younger sister of Molly, and is a force to be reckoned with. Courageous and humble; an adrenaline junkie and loves adventure. Bold and a fiery ginger. Can be stubborn and wants everything her way. A beautiful and funny Gryffindor sixth year.

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