Chapter 12: Distrations Everywhere

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Going back to Hogwarts was an awkward situation for both Albus Potter and Scorpius Malfoy. After the week that they spent together at Malfoy Manor, as new boyfriends was great for them. They haven't told anyone yet. Draco wasn't home most of the week, being a healer at St. Mungos, it keeps him pretty busy. When the Slytherin boys got to platform 9 3/4, Albus greets his parents and siblings then gets onto the train. Where they found a compartment together. The Nott twins joined them soon after the trains departure at eleven am.

The boys just wanted to come out and say it but agreed that they'd keep it subtle for the time being, and until both are comfortable with the idea of others knowing. So with that being said it's hard for the boys. When all they wanna do is be like every other couple in Hogwarts, but they're afraid of what others will say or do to them if they knew. Albus hasn't even told Lily, even if she's the only one in his family that even knows what's going on. But Lily does know, at least to an extent, she knows it went well over the holidays by the way Albus was acting recently.

Now that classes are back in full swing the boys are also researching auguries in the library along with their homework that has gotten to be more work now that the exams are getting ever so closer. The professors are really pressing the fifth year's. Plus they have to schedule time with their heads of houses to discuss their future plans and classes that they should take next year and be more diligent in this year. Therefore Albus and Scorpius are really honing in on school and as an added bonus Albus has Quidditch practices twice a week as well.

It's been two weeks back and now that the boys are now in their DADA class with Professor Granger-Weasley, Albus and Scorpius are seated next to each other discreetly holding hands under the table all the way in the back of class. Albus is having a hard time focusing on what his aunt is teaching them about, how the effects of the unforgivable curses affect you. 

"Albus, can you answer me?" Hermione says to the boy. And Scorpius nudges him out of his daydream.

"What?" Albus says to his boyfriend.

"Albus we're waiting" Hermione states.

"Sorry what was the question professor" Albus asks.

"What are some of the effects of the Imperius curse?" She asks again.


"You need to start paying more attention Albus, can anyone tell me the effects?" Hermione sighs at first but goes on, just as she asked that Rose, rose her hand impatiently in the air.

"Rose" Hermione calls on her, and she goes on talking about it, as Albus stares at his desk embarrassed; he even detached his hand from Scorpius' which didn't go unnoticed. But the blond boy decides not to ask right know, but he will later after class is over.

As Defense Against the Dark Arts class is nearing an end, Hermione assigns the homework, three rolls of parchment on the unforgivable curses, and dismisses everyone. Except Albus.

"Albus may I see you please" Hermione asks. Scorpius smiles at him and Albus walks towards his aunt.

"Albus what's with you lately, you're not focused" she tells her nephew.

"Sorry Aunt Mione, I'll try harder I promise" Albus says.

"Albus it's been two weeks since we've been back and your OWL exams are only four months away, I really hope I don't have to write you your parents about this, and you know I will if I feel it'll help you" she says to him when he tries to speak over her.

"I promise you don't have to get my parents involved I'll try harder Aunt Mione" Albus says.

"Alright but you have to prove it Albus, now go on or you'll be late for your next class" Hermione says letting him go.

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