Chapter 14: Scorpius Takes Action

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Scorpius knew not to do anything right away. But he could see how much of a toll it's talking on his best friend, boyfriend rather. It's driving the boy insane. He's barely left the dormitory. He only goes to class and some meals. He's been trying to avoid the team. He's not ready to face the fact that he has to quit. Thankfully Theo Flint hasn't really come after him for missing a couple practices. Albus used the 'I have to study for my OWLs' line again. Even if he stayed on his bed the whole time doing homework with Scorpius.

Sometimes Scorpius will go up to the library with Brian and Tracy Nott, their still trying to stay as much a secret as possible. Not that it's a bad thing, they're both just not ready for others to know right now. They're scared about how others would react especially their parents. Scorpius more than Albus. Albus knows that his parents have friends that are the same way, but it might be different since it's him, their son. But Scorpius on the other hand doesn't know how his father, Draco, would react, it's not like he had friends or family that he knew were like him. Scorpius is very aware of his father's upbringing and the way pureblood mindset works. So he's very scared.

Scorpius is aware of Albus closing himself off and staying in the dorms practically all the time and the blond boy knows that it's time to do something about it. He can't stand seeing his boyfriend like this, he wants a happy Albus back, and one who plays Quidditch again. Scorpius was in the library when he finally got the urge to do this. It was dinner time and since Scorpius didn't want to go to dinner without Albus he went to the library. This may be the most Gryffindor thing to do but right now the Slytherin boy doesn't care. He storms out of the library and all the way to the great hall. He spotted James Potter and went over to the Gryffindor table grabbed him by he back of his robes and pulled him along, and out of the great hall. All the while the older Gryffindor was shouting at him.

"What the bloody hell is wrong with you!" James shouts at Scorpius.

"What exactly did you say to Albus!" Scorpius says with gritted teeth.

"Oh trying to play the hero for Albus?" James snickers.

"You started all this! I'll go right up to your aunt tell her and she can write to your parents if you'd like" Scorpius tells James.

"You wouldn't dare" James sneers.

"Wouldn't I, Al is all distraught now, he won't even leave the dormitory, he barely eats anything anymore and doesn't pay attention in class, if he goes, since he's been skipping many of them. I need you to apologize to him and swear that you won't say anything and he can stay on the Quidditch team!" Scorpius try's to say calmly without yelling but is still fuming.

James realizes that Scorpius isn't playing and it's the first time in two weeks since he said that to his brother that he's realizing what it did to him. It's like a wake up call, or slap in the face if you will for James.

"Really?" He says seriously this time.

"Yeah..." Scorpius responds. James thinks for a moment.

"Fine, but after dinner alright" James agrees. Scorpius nods.

"Meet me here after and I'll take you to the dungeons and get you into the common room" Scorpius tells James.


"Because that's where Albus is he's not coming to dinner like I said before he barely eats anything anymore" Scorpius says then he walks away from James Potter.

While James goes back to the Gryffindor table in the great hall. He sits next to Merida Finnegan-Thomas, his girlfriend, with Marcus Davies opposite them. Marcus asks James what that was all about. James shrugs it off as nothing. To James he didn't feel it necessary to involve his friend any further into family matters. He's already feeling guilty that he even told them in the first place. So to tell this might have repercussions that he doesn't want to risk. It's taking a lot of pride as a Gryffindor for James to apologize to anything.

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