Chapter 20: Return of the Augury

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It was an early morning for Draco Malfoy. He had to be at work at the crack of dawn. Lately his forearm where is dreaded death eater tattoo was, kept stinging. Although impossible since the dark lord is dead, thanks to Harry Potter, he thought it to be pretty odd. So with that being said he made a mental note to visit the Ministry during lunch to tell Harry.

After his morning shift he apperates right to the Ministry. He goes to the auror offices which he knows is on the second level. He walks down the corridor and sees the head auror headquarters. Knowing that's Harry he knocks on the door hoping that he's not off on a mission. But after a few moments the door swings open and there is Harry Potter himself. Draco hasn't really seen him much, granted their on better terms these days.

"Malfoy what a surprise, what do I owe the pleasure?" Harry says. 

"Let me in first it's a private matter" Draco states. Harry steps aside and shuts the door.

"As you're well aware I'm a former death eater meaning I still have this," He motions to his arm. "And as head auror I should inform you that it's been stinging a lot lately. You know what that means don't you" Draco tell him.

"It can't be, that's impossible he's dead" Harry says.

"Thank you caption obvious, I didn't know that, but some of his other followers are still alive" Draco tells him sarcastically.

"Oh no...." Harry suddenly remembers what his son Albus told him.

"What?" Draco says suddenly getting worried with Harry sudden change in attitude.

"I think our children are in danger again" Harry says to Draco.

"What do you mean again!?"

"The other day, Albus told me that he and Scorpius had these dreams going on since about October and they've been trying to figure them out he thinks it has something to do with Delphini like last year"

"But you just said that they were dreams"

"Yes but their like the the ones I had about Voldemort, knowing where he is and what he's doing they're not normal dreams Malfoy" Harry tells him.

"Oh shit"

"Yeah I sent a couple aurors out to Azkaban but I haven't received anything yet" Harry informs him.

"What should we do, just sit around and wait I can't do that Scorpius, and Albus could be in danger here Potter"

"Alright take another auror with myself to Hogwarts to warn Minnie" Harry decides.

"Fine, I've got to get back to work anyway, but before I go Scorpius wrote to me about our sons being a thing"

"I know Al, told me and Gin, the same time he told me about he dreams" Harry says.

"You owe me five galleons now Potter" Draco says while Harry rolls his eyes.

"We'll worry about that later I've got to get going to see Minnie if I wanna catch her before the dinner feast"

"Right I'm going back to work let me know what you find out" and with that Draco leaves Harry's office apperates back to the hospital.

Scorpius was enjoying his breakfast with Albus sitting next to him as they steal little glances at each other. When an owl comes swooping in and landing in front of Scorpius. The boy recognizes the owl as one of his father's, the tawny owl holds out his leg and Scorpius unites the roll of parchment that's attached and gives the owl a piece of his bread and the owl flies off.

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