Chapter 13: Blackmailing

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It's been a few days since Harry Potter wrote to his son Albus about his school work and since then the young Slytherin boy has really tried to do more paying attention in class and to homework. In which his boyfriend Scorpius has been a big help. They practice magic and then sit in the library together doing work. Scorpius looks over his writing and helps him when he needs an idea. Albus has been improving and some Professors are impressed.

However lately James and Albus have been butting heads more than usual there's the usual snide comments back and forth. But they have been really going at it, now including hexes being thrown at one another. The reason behind this is James just getting on his brothers nerves about being a Slytherin again. But now that James knows about him and Scorpius he's been biding his time about when to tell Albus that he knows it was mostly what he and Lily were arguing about.

A couple weeks back she heard James telling Marcus Davies and Merida Finnegan-Thomas about it and she flipped on her oldest brother. She was yelling at him and saying that it's not his place to tell anyone and that he should have just kept it to himself and all that. So Lily is currently pissed off at James and is ignoring him until further notice. And with Lily being mad at him got him to react by being harsher on Albus because to James the argument was about Albus there fore it's his fault Lily isn't talking to him. Merida, was shocked that James would out his brother like that to her and Marcus and swore to herself that she won't tell anyone because she knows how hard it could be when her fathers told her about them.

It's been a slow day for Albus Potter. He and Scorpius haven't really gotten anywhere about his latest dream. That being due to him focusing on school and Scorpius. Scorpius is currently in his muggle studies class and Albus is wandering he halls right now. Trying to decide if he should go to the library or not. He's been practically living in the library this year. The days been going fine until right about now.

"What are you doing up here snake?" Albus hears his brother James' voice from behind him. So Albus turns around to face the older Gryffindor. That's when Albus realizes that he's up near Gryffindor tower.

"Nothing" Albus states bitterly.

"And why don't I believe that" James says.

"Because you're a prat" Albus tells him.

"Well I'd be careful if I were you, I know something you don't" James says while pulling out his wand. So Albus draws his wand as well.

"Oh what can that possibly be" Albus says in a bored tone.

"That I know all about you and Malfoy" James says to him smirking.

"Meaning what? We're friends, you knew that already" Albus says trying not to panic too much and give it away.

"Meaning that your so called 'friendship' is more than that, that you two are dating, honestly Albus isn't it bad enough that you're a squib, you have to be gay too" James says to Albus.

"I AM NOT A SQUIB! AND HOW DID YOU FIND OUT ABOUT THAT ONLY ONE PERSON KNEW—" Albus cut himself off with the yelling when a couple of Ravenclaws walked past them.

"Oh really your magic sucks and you didn't show magical abilities until you were six, even Lily showed magic before you did and she was only four" James reminisces. "As for the other thing I found out from our dear sister Lily, when you too were talking at home you ought to be more careful squib"

"Well you can't, can't tell anyone!" Albus panics.

"Oh and why can't I, I'm pretty sure I'm capable of doing so" James retorts.

"Because it's not your business too!" Albus tells him.

"Oh and what are you going to do tell mum and dad on me, I bet they don't even know and by doing so you'd have to tell them and you know that they won't like it at all, especially since it's Malfoy, you know how that'll go and their history with his father" James says.

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