My father and his friend were together carrying on their own conversation while they filled their weapons, hunting dogs by their sides lying down on the fields waiting. I called out to them causing the dogs to get wild.

Instantly my brother frowned seeing me there especially the way I was dressed, I didn't care of course, I walked up trying not to let my feet stick in the mud.

"Elizabeth?" my father said, he fixed his gun walking up to me almost worried and concerned, "Are you alright?"

I guess he was.

"I heard we had guest, I was just curious."

He nodded staring at me confused then turned to his friend. "Charles this is my eldest daughter Elizabeth."

"Please to meet you my dear," he said and held out his hand, I shook it and then turned to the younger guy, his back was facing towards me.

"Likewise sir."

"Oh I'm not a sir, I'm a professor."

"I see."

"What are you doing here Lizzy?" my brother hissed in my ear. I saw Dad and his friend returning back to their conversation not bothering with us.

"I heard we had guests," I stated again pulling the jacket closer to me.

"So you ran to see who it was, are you mad?"

"I knew who it was, I just had to make sure," I said keeping my eyes on the younger lad.

I walked up to him, his back still facing me, when I tapped his shoulder he didn't turn. I felt a slight annoyance. "Are you going to come all this way and ignore me like that?"

"Next time, don't run off to some other country while your best friend is in Denmark," he spoke. He finally turned around. His stormy grey eyes gleamed through the lens of his black-rimmed glasses, he was happy to see me.

"Timothy," I said almost wanting to reach out and hug him, but we couldn't. His father was right there and he didn't know we were friends.

Jonathan walked up confused, "You know him?"

"Jon this is my best friend Timothy, I met him at my primary school, at what age?"

"Hmm, ten, I think," Timothy replied grinning.

I smiled back, "Are you sure?"

"Hmm I'm sure," he replied playfully

"Anyways he and I stayed in touched after he moved back home to Germany. He only ever visits a few days for the summer."

"Why didn't you tell me you knew my sister?" Jon asked him.

Timothy rubbed behind his neck looking shyly at me, then sighing, "I guess I hadn't thought it was the best thing yet."

Jon nodded then turned at me, "How did you know he was here."

"I got his text that he and his dad were here and I wanted to see for myself."

I glanced at Timothy seeing him smile I felt a sudden peace with this new environment. I didn't expect to see him for a long time and now he was here by sudden chance. I was so grateful.

"Father is watching you," Jon whispered in my ear.

I nodded stepping back away from the boys, "I'll see you two later. As you can see I'm not dressed properly."

"I don't know sweat pants are pretty stylish," Timothy replied.

I chuckled. "Maybe but mud isn't."

I gave both of them a last glance and waved my father and his friend good bye. "Before you come back please wake Alex up, she's still sleeping!" Jonathan yelled.

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