Shattered glass

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I take a glance In the mirror,

And in the corner I see a crack,

A second later,

It breaks just as fast.

I look to the ground,

To find only shattered glass,

My reflection in small mirrors,

Reminds me of my past.

As I pick up the pieces,

My hands start to bleed,

My eyes start to water,

With glass in my knees.

I can't pick up all the pieces,

Some are left behind,

Thoughts going through my head,

Makes them hard to find.

There's no way to put this mirror back together,

When all the pieces aren't collected,

My last mirror standing,

I feel ashamed and unprotected.

As I throw the pieces to the ground,

Blood rushing out of my hands,

There's a puddle on the floor,

And it gets hard to stand.

All I see is red,

My tears playing with the shade,

I let myself bleed,

For this color starts to fade.

PoetryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang