Jennifer or Jenn?

Start from the beginning

"good idea" he said smiling. As I closed the bedroom door I caught a glimpse of him prodding the telly with his wand. Whoa hang on rewind 'Jack looked me up and down' really? Was he? No? Was he 'checking me out?' oh Merlin that sounds strange? Why would he do that? But I couldn't deny the fact the Jacks clear gray eyes did linger on my legs as he looked at me. I quickly changed into a pair of jeans, a vest top and jacket pulling my hair into a quick ponytail. I then got on my hands and knees and felt under the bed for my old broom. Thwack!

"Holy bugger shit ow" I cried. The top of my head was throbbing from where I had hit it.

"Jenn you okay?" I heard Jack call from outside my room "Can I come in?"

"Sure" I called back rubbing the top of my head. The door opened and I turned to see a very bemused Jack

"What are you doing?" he asked coming to kneel in front of me

"Trying to get you stupid broom" I complained.

"Would you like some help?" he asked

"Please?" we both crawled under the bed. I was dark and dusty with odd socks everywhere and the odd Quidditch magazine. I glanced around looking for the broom. I know what you're thinking why does she need two people to climb under her bed to find a broom. Well the fact of the matter is that I have a very big bed. I mean it is huge; in fact it is a super warlock size bed. And that my friend is huge. As I searched my fingers brushed something long and wooden. "I've found it" grabbed the broom and back out from under the bed. I was followed my jack. I glanced at he and fell about laughing.

"What?" he asked. He had dust all over him his hair was almost gray from it, I lent over and brushed some of if off his shoulder

"Your covered in dust" I grinned. He glanced at me well your not much better. I looked down; the knees of my jeans were caked in dust. I grinned

I handed him his broom "Come on it will come off when we fly" I grasped his hand and pulled him out of the room grabbing my broom on the way out. I ran down the stairs and thought the house. Stopping suddenly outside the conservatory. Jack bumped into me "What's the matter?" he whispered

"Mother" I said he understood at once. I felt around in the pockets of my jacket until I felt the familiar texture of the extendable ear that I kept in my pocket. I pulled it out and put one end in my ear whilst stuffing the other end under the door. The voices of my mother and Mrs LaPaine came to me they were talking about the latest fashions in Paris. I pulled out the ear and stuffed it in my pocket. "There still her" I whispered back to Jack "we are going to have to be sneaky" I hurried down the corridor and through the kitchens toward the back door. The conservatory was at the back of the house and had a 180 view of the garden the only way not to be seen is to crawl under the windows. I grabbed jacks hand and pulled him along beside me as we crawled under the window I turned around to see if he was okay to see hum looking at my bum. I thought French boys were romantic... I caught his eyes and raised my eyebrow, the whole effect was ruined by the fact that I was still crouched down under the widow but he still had the sense to go slightly pink, caught red handed! Hang on did he just wink at me!?! Oh the cheek! I shook my head and rolled my eyes at his before rushing onwards. When we were well clear of the conservatory I stood up and ran behind the hedge. When we were both hidden I stood straight both hands on hips and gave him a look

"Well... what do you have to say for yourself?" I asked him.

"Your derriere is merveilleux" he replied smirking, I didn't know what merveilleux meant but I knew what he meant by derriere. Cheeky bugger! I rolled my eyes at him and made my way towards the greenhouse. The outside of the house was as large and imposing as the inside. We were set right out in the middle of nowhere in the Suffolk countryside, it was a beautiful place but that wasn't what I liked about the location so much it was the fact that I could play Quidditch here and not have to worry about being seen by muggles. We grabbed a quaffle and a beaters bat. And after a quick freezing charm from Jack we had our Bludger too. We made our way towards one of the back fields once we arrived at the similar clearing I jumped on my broom and kicked off. The thrill of speeding through the air once again filled me with the sort of joy that I don't think I could achieve on the ground.

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