Chapter 2

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"Where are Bakugo and Kirishima?" Mr. Aizawa asked the class.

"They were sick, so they went back to the dorms." Iida said. As he said this, almost all the boys had slightly worried expressions, which the girls were confused by, but Midoriya gave them an expression saying 'It's best if you don't know...'

Kirishima had texted Kaminari saying 'me and blasty are skipping school, tell em we're sick'. He had told the others about it and they all understood completely.

"Fine." Aizawa said.

The class sighed in relief at this. No one would die of an explosion today.

Meanwhile in the common room of the dorms, Kirishima still looked.... well, not Kirishima-ish.

"Still thinking about it?" Bakugo asked.

"I can't get it out of my head, it's like it's constantly playing on loop..."

"I sure know how that feels." He said. "Want me to gruesomely murder him for ya?"

Kirishima chuckled. "Since when are you this nice?"

"Fuck you..." Bakugo replied, embarrassed. "I still think you're an idiot, but I would hesitate to kill you.

"Aaaaaawwwww!" Kirishima teased.

They kept watching TV for a few more minutes.

"Hey, Bakubro?" Kirishima asked.

No response.


No response.

Kirishima waved his hand in front of the other boy's face.

"The fuck are you doing?"

"I tried to get your attention and you weren't responding."

"The fuck.....? I didn't even hear you."

"Do you.... think you're losing your hearing?"

"What? No, I'm not a fuckin' grandpa."

"It would actually make sense though." Kirishima started. "With your quirk being so loud, it could damage the nerves in your ear. If you're wondering I'm remembering that from science class so I can pass the test and I'm really freakin' nervous."

"Yeah, you went full Deku right then." Bakugo joked. "I think I just wasn't paying attention. It's been happening more often, especially with..... all those... practical tests.... and training.... Jesus Christ....."

"Maybe we can check with Recovery Girl." Kirishima suggested.

"Fine. Whatever." Bakugo replied, and they watched movies for the rest of the day.

"Hey lovebirds!" Ashido said as she walked into the common room after class had gotten out.

Kirishima's face turned as red as his hair. "W-w-what?"

"Mina, we were supposed to keep it in between the girls and Aoyama!" Uraraka whisper-shouted at the pink girl.

"Sorry, it slipped...."

"What slipped?" Midoriya asked curiously.

"Uh, nothing!" Ashido said nervously. "What were we talking about? Definetely wasn't ships, that's for sure! We don't ship anyone in the class, especially not you and Todo-" She was cut off as Uraraka slapped her hand over her mouth.

"She's probably just tired from training! See ya later, Deku!" She said, grabbing Ashido by the arm, making her float, and dragging her like a balloon.

Bakugo barely heard any of this conversation. He heard bits and pieces, and saw Kirishima blushing like crazy, but that was about it. He made a plan to visit Recovery Girl's office the next day, but only because the redhead sitting next to him was making him.


"Yes, I'm afraid you're experiencing some hearing loss."

The small woman spoke with some sadness in her voice. The blonde boy sitting in front of her was in a state of shock.

"The hair-like nerves in the cochlea, if exposed to loud sounds for a long time, can become permanently damaged and cause hearing loss or even make someone become deaf. Luckily, you haven't made it to that stage yet. However, I don't know if I can heal this sort of thing."

"But, I thought you could heal anything?" Kirishima asked. He came along, just to make sure Bakugo actually went.

"I can only heal physical wounds. I can't cure illnesses, and I can't heal anyone who is blind or deaf." She replied. "However, I can prescribe you with hearing aids. I'll have Miss Hatsume make some that will be suitable for your quirk, and maybe add those elements into your costume."

"Okay." Bakugo was wearing a blank expression.

"You can pick them up tomorrow. Have a good evening!" Recovery Girl said as the two boys walked out of the room.

Kirishima immediately put a comforting hand on the other's shoulder. "Bakugo, I'm sorry-" He started, but was interrupted.

"DON'T." Bakugo said, smacking his hand away. "Don't look down on me. I'm still stronger than you."

"I'm not looking down on you. In fact you have the opposite effect on me. I think you're awesome. I just want to help you-"

"I. Don't. Want. Your. Help." Bakugo said forcefully. It was probably the biggest lie he had ever told. "Don't waste your sympathy on me."

'Wait, did I really just say that??' He thought.

"...What? What do you mean?" Kirishima asked, looking worried.


"Never mind. I'm going back to my dorm. See ya tomorrow." Bakugo said.

Kirishima was still a bit suspicious, so he let him get a head start and eventually followed him quietly.

Bakugo got back to the dorms and slammed the door to his room.

He forgot to lock it, though.

Deaf Bakugo AUTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang