"I recently found out that my familiar was a werewolf and she has been trapped in her wolf body for ten years, do you know how to get her back in human form? I have searched in a large number of books with no avail. Would you be willing to help me if you can?"

"Yes, I do know how to turn her human again, but what will be the reward for bringing her back?" 

I was not sure what I could offer, but I knew I could offer much. "Name your price."

"I want gold, a lot of it." Gold is no problem for me, having tons of gold is a good perk of being the supreme witch.

"Deal, I will give you the gold when you have turned her into a human again."

"How do I know you have the gold?" He asked

"I am the supreme witch, it is obvious I have gold." Some people were frowning and others were growling.

"Where is this wolf?" He asked.

I summoned Lily, she came running towards me and stood beside me, she looked at the others, they were growling at her and she had her tail between her legs. Definitely scared of them.

The alpha stopped them from growling. "I see, she is an omega and a rouge. I am surprised she is still alive." The alpha said. Omega is the lowest rank of a wolf pack, I read it in one of my books. Rouges are also an easy target for a wolf pack.

"She has been under my protection for ten years."

He led us into a big manor. He let us into a big room, no one else was there. "I need her to drink some of my blood," he said.

"Is that all?" I asked him. 

"She should be around other werewolves to adapt to their lifestyle and she will come out after a while."

"I do not have a wolfpack she could be in. I ask you to take her in and protect her."

"That is fine. I will let you know as soon as she turns back into human form." Lily whined as he said that, I suppose she does not want to be in this pack. What if she gets picked on for being an omega, I cannot let that happen.

"Will she not get picked on for being an omega wolf?"

"No, not as long as she is under my protection."

I looked Lily in the eyes. "I think this is the best for you, so we know you will turn back to a human again," Lily whined again and pressed her body against me, she did not want me to leave. she tugged my clothing with her teeth and whined.

"You are safe here Lily, no need to worry." He said with a kind smile. He looked nice but I felt like something about him was off... It might have been because Lily did not want to be there, but she had to be here to transform back again. 

"Lily, you know this is the best for you, do you not want to transform back again? "

She shook her head no. "what do you mean no, you wanted this and now you do not?"

She nodded. "Can we have some privacy?" I asked The alpha of the pack. he nodded and walked out of the room.

I whispered into Lily's ear because I knew the wolves had better hearing. "I will have a raven to keep an eye on you while you are here okay? And if something happens, I will come right away." she snuggled into me and whined. I petted her head and hugged her.

"Shhh, it's okay. I will look after you. I know you have been with me for the past ten years, but this will only be a few weeks, okay?" She nodded.

"good." I let the alpha in again, he cut his hand with a knife and gave some to Lily, she licked the blood off his hands. Now she would soon be a human again.

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