Chapter 1

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Chapter 1


In the car on the way to the boy's house. Phone conversation. L-Liz C-Cole


C- I know but it will be ok

L- You don't know that! What if I never see you again?

C- Yes I do and I am going to come see you in a month!

L- ugh fine...I gotta go we are almost there.

C- I love you

L- I love you too

C- Be nice.

L- Do I have too?

C- If you don't then when I see you next month I will warm your hide.

L- ok ok I will be nice. Grouch

C- Brat


C- Love ya liz. I will talk to you soon! Bye.

L- Bye

I hang up the phone and stare out the window. I don't want to be here. Don't get me wrong I love the guys to death...Literally to death sometimes, But there is so much that I had to leave behind. Not to mention that we used to be really close but ever since the X-Factor I have only seen them 3 times. I am just a little hurt. I didn't even get a text or a phone call even though they kept promising to text me at lest once every week. Whatever. I see the house. Gulp here we go. The driver turns the car off and I just sit there hoping that if I don't get out he will just drive away. Maybe they will forget that I was even supposed to come!

Right then Niall comes running out of the house with the rest of the boys right behind him. I try to lock the door but I wasn't fast enough. Niall throws open the door and gives me the biggest hug ever. I missed these hugs. Not that I would ever tell him that.

“Glad to know I didn't have to come get you” Zayn said with a smirk.

He is such a dork.

“Don't think it was your threat that got me to come. I just got tired of standing.” I remarked sassily.

“I don't think standing would have been a problem had I come” Zayn remarked.

Of course my face betrayed me and I started blushing which made all five of the guys laugh.

“lets go inside” Liam said

we all walked inside and Harry and Niall showed me to my room. It was pink. You have got to be kidding me. “Pink really?” “Look” said Harry “I know you don't like pink and we will paint over it later ok?” “Whatever” I said. “Can we go eat now” Niall asked. Ahh Niall and his food. I forgot how much I missed these guys. “Yeah come on Liz” Harry said. “You guys go ahead I think I am going to get unpacked first.” “Ok”

Unpacking didn't take as long as I was hoping. I started walking down the stairs when I heard...”Should we tell her the rules tonight or tomorrow?” I am pretty sure that was Louis. “Tonight” Liam maybe or Zayn. “Ok lets go get her” Harry said. I walked down the last couple of stairs and into the kitchen where the guys were. “Hey Liz”-Liam “Hey”-Me “So we know you won't like this but we need to go over the rules.”

Of course we do. Why do there always have to be rules? I mean come on can't people have a little freedom sometimes? “Ok”

“Here” Louis handed me a piece of paper with a bunch of rules on it. There were probably only ten but I didn't feel like reading it so I didn't.

“Broken rule will have consequences like grounding, things taken away, and spanking” Zayn always cuts right to the chase. “Do you understand?”

“Yeah whatever” “ouch” Somebody smacked my bum. “Elizabeth try again” It was Liam. Liam smacked my butt. “I mean yes sir. Happy?” There was another smack to my bum. I really need to learn to keep my mouth shut. “Lose the attitude and I will be” Liam ordered. “Sorry. May I go to bed now?” “You are forgiven and yes you may. Night Liz” And with that I walked up to my room and fell asleep instantly.

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