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shawn's pov
i was getting so annoyed of everyone talking about MY GIRL with someone else and when she mouthed "i miss you too" i couldn't stay
so i left the room and as i was walking some girl with purple hair stopped me
"hi i'm sorry to bother you but do you wanna have lunch together i don't wanna eat alone"
"um... sure"
we began walking together
"i'm olivia"
"i'm shawn nice to meet you, if it's okay if i ask why are you here?"
"my boyfriend is getting surgery, how about you"
(her boyfriend in the story is todd just like real life)
"it's a long story"
"i got time"
"okay so i was dating this girl named nicole-"
i look up and see nicole with watery eyes walking past
"hello, shawn, why did you stop mid-sentence?"
"did you see that girl that just walked past"
olivia nods her head
"that's nicole"
"well finish the story and then i'll choose who's side i'm on since you said y'all where dating"
i finish the story
"so 1. she was bullied 2. you where there for her 3. she tried to kill her self and you where heart broken so that made you realize you where in love 4. you started dating 5. you beat up her bestfriend 6. she broke up with you 7. everyone wants her and her bestie together?"
"DAMN todd and i just fuck all the time"
"my boyfriend"
"shawn i'm sorry but i'm on her side"
"i mean i understand where she's coming from but why did she sleep with him"
"because he probably felt bad and didn't wanna make her sleep on those uncomfortable ass chairs"
i show her the pics
"damn maybe they fuck"
she laughs but i don't
"sorry but talk to her let her expl- shit what time is it?"
"it's 3:47"
"FUCK TODD GOT OUT OF SURGERY ALMOST TWO HOURS AGO here's my number text me and let me know what happens talk to her byeeeee"
damn okay..

a/n sorry for the short chapter didn't wanna leave y'all hanging for a week ps. happy mother's dayyyy

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