Four- Dallas

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"Hey, Dallas!" She says and I hug her.

I kiss her cheek and wrap my arm around her. We wait in the car as Jesse gets out to pick up his blind date. They sit in the back with Joana in the passenger seat while I drive.

I see him, wrapping his arm around her and touching her butt. He's disrespectful, but I love him. I think his dates name is Emily? Jess doesn't even know.

We drop Emily off and then Jess at our apartment. I take Joana to her apartment where we sit on her couch and watch a movie.

She cuddles up on my chest. I get a call. "Hey, Kota what do you need?" I ask.

"I need you and Jesse." She says.

"Why? It's 9 o'clock."

"Because I may have told Lucy we would have dates and I totally forgot about it."

I sigh. "Alright, but you owe me."

"Oh, are you with Joana?" She asks.

"It's fine, I'll be there in ten." I hang up.

"Where are you going?" Joana asks as I stand up and grab my coat.

"Family emergency. I'll call you later." I say and leave.

I feel bad, treating her that way. But is this really going anywhere?

I pick up Jesse and he asks what we are doing. "Dakota needs our help." I say.

He goes quiet. "You alright?" I ask.

"Oh nothing man. I'm good."

I look at Jess as Kota walks out in a dress. He checks her out. "Dude!" I hit his shoulder.

"Sorry," he looks down.

Kota awkwardly laughs. Lucy then walks out, and we head to some party. I'm Lucy's date because Kota says that's too weird, and she is with Jess.

That night, I walk into Jesse's room. "Hey, bro. I don't know what that was tonight but don't even think about it."

"What are you talking about?"

"You know exactly. She's my sister, bro."

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