It had become a ritual to roam around the ridiculously large house late at night to clear her mind. She knew Harrison wouldn't mind her snooping around his house, she believed it was impossible he used or even peep inside most of the rooms so she kept opening doors until she stumbled upon the library. It was breathtaking, tall bookshelves covered one of the walls entirely, a ladder rested against the middle shelf. As she quietly walked in she was mesmerised by the big bookcases filled to the brim with all sorts of titles, a grand piano on the right-wing of the room was illuminated by the faint moonlight that filtered through the thin white layer of fabric covering the immense floor to ceiling window. Once the piano came into view she immediately started walking towards it, a magnetic force pulling her to the beautiful clavichord that made her think of the past. She smiled but her eyes turned sad and glossy at the thought of her life before the Hollands, subconsciously she sat down on the deep red velvet bench, letting her fingers dance over the keys without putting any pressure on them. It was late and she didn't want to disturb anybody, so she just sat there lightly touching the keys and relishing on the memories.

Harrison was walking through the halls of his house to stretch his legs, it's been a long and stressful day, he felt his shoulders tense and his neck was a bit contractured from staring down at his computer for so long. Strolling past closed doors he slowed down when he saw the door to the library cracked open, no one ever went in there, mainly because it was just him and his employees and they were always busy. He peeked inside the room, careful not to startle whoever that was mingling around just like he was.

The calmness that filled the room immediately eased the tension on his shoulders, the sight of y/n sitting on the piano bench, her back straight and her fingers gracing the keys but not pressing them made his tension drop drastically and a small smile adorned his face unintentionally. Faint moonlight sneaking through the gauze over the windows, the delicate light danced on the right side of her face, he could only imagine how stunning she might look up close. From the spot where he stood, he was only able to look at the shadowed side of her and saw her bring a hand up to brush her cheek with her fingers as if a tear had escaped her eye. He wondered what could possibly be on her mind if she always seemed to be up on her game and so professional when it came to dealing with Tom's stuff, and then she seemed almost fragile.

The gentle few notes y/n allowed herself to play softly echoed in the grand room, she closed her eyes at the sound, sighing she placed her hands on her lap and just stared at the black and white keys. After a couple of seconds of staring she slowly put the lid down over the keyboard and shuffled to stand shaking Harrison out of his daydreaming, he quietly backed out of the room before being noticed by the girl and quickly made his way to his room, not bothering in going back to his office to keep working as a sudden need for sleep washed over him. That night he slept deeply like he'd never slept before.

The next day, she had been coming in and out of the blonde's office, forwarding files to him about one of his guards that seemed a bit suspicious to her. Deep searches on every single person that worked in his house were being made, there was no chance that what happened with Alex would happen again. "Here's Mike's info." She said handing the folder to the blonde man, who took it but never glanced up at her. The girl inhaled frustrated "Is that it?" She questioned, her arms crossed over her middle. Harrison looked up at her pretty face then, she seemed annoyed to be in his presence so he just nodded and looked back down to the papers he was reading.

Y/n opened the door to Harrison's office and stepped out into the hallway where there was one of the mobster's guards passing by, not allowing her to close the door completely because the man bumped into her before she could do it. He quickly grabbed hold of her waist to stabilize her. "Woah, careful there, pretty girl." The man said.

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