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"Zachy, wake up

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"Zachy, wake up."

I groaned rolling deeper into my warm blanket. "I don't want to."

"We're gonna be late to school."

"I don't want to go to school."


"Jack..." I looked up at him, the bright light burning my eyes. "Can't we just not go to school?"

A horn came from outside, jack smirked. "I think that's Corbyn."

I rolled my eyes. "Fine." Unwillingly I got up, the floor cold in my feet.

"Imma go tell him that you need a couple minutes."

He left the room and I went to the restroom, groaning when I saw the bruise on my collar bone from last night. Jack and I might or might not have made out before going to sleep.

I threw on one of his hoodies, jeans, and slip-ons. I left my hair the way it was and brushed my teeth.

Corbyn had already picked up Daniel and Jonah, Leaving Jack in the back with Daniel. I hopped in and Corbyn took off.

"There's a new kid at school." Daniel said. "It's a boy."

"How do you know?" Jonah looked back at the boy.

Daniels cheeks burned red as he sat back. "I heard from a couple kids."

"Uh-huh." Jonah didn't sound so convinced.

I frowned. "Are you guys fighting?"

"No!" They both answered at the same time.

Corbyn, Jack, and I shared a glance. Corbyn parked and we all walked to our lockers gathering the stuff we would need. As I closed my locker and went to find my friends, I saw the Paul brothers, and Cleo coming towards me from the side of my eye.

I kept my head down and headed for the opposite direction. "Wait Herron!" Logan called. He caught with me, standing in my way. I cringed waiting for the blow. He laughed. "I'm not gonna hit you."

I peaked open an eye and saw and saw that they were all relaxed. "You're not?"

"No, that's actually what we're here for." Jake scratched his neck.

"We came to apologize." Cleo got straight to the point.

"We're sorry for not treating you right and always pushing you down. It wasn't right to be mean because you're gay."

"This apology is long overdue."

"We know but, better late then never."

I half smiled at their attempts. "I mean I guess, I forgive you guys." I worriedly glanced at Cleo. "Are you still mad about Jack?"

A frown left as soon as it came. "I'm not mad anymore, it just hurts a little, but I'll get over it. Plus he's happy." She shrugged.

The bell rang and everyone started to class. "I guess I'll see you guys around." I said as they also left.

"Did I just see Jake, Logan, and Cleo talking to you?" Jack said walking up to me.

"Yeah. They just apologized."

"Don't you think it's a little late?"

"That's what I said."

As we were walking to our first period a kid bumped into my shoulder. I turned to look at him.

"Sorry." He said. His eyes widen when he looked at Jack. The former gasping.

"It's okay." Jack responded, he pulled my arm, making us quickly walk away.

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