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So people have started to notice me and Sheamus have become more than just friends ever since and people are like "what does she see in him?" But honestly I see the good in people especially him, he's amazing.
People would expect me to be with Finn Bálor but that guy is like a Brother to me.
He is awesome but Sheamus is my one and most of my friends respect that unlike Amber and Saige who used to be my friends who stabbed me in the back and were all about them and not about the other person but those girls have always been self centred and they know it.
I'm honestly not gonna care about what others think because I'm a ginger and I apparently have no soul but there you go, that's me all over.
Becky: "Hey how are you?"
Me: "I'm ok Sis, there's no need to worry about me"
Becky: "Is there not?"
Me: "Well No there's not"
Becky: "Well you should be worried, Amber is finding and gaining a lot of friends and all your doing is focusing on him, you need to lose him or your gonna go nowhere in your wrestling career"
Me: "So I can't have a love life?"
Becky: "Well he seems to be distracting you"
Me: "No he's not, he's making me hella better, if it wasn't for him I would not be in this situation right now, I know you and my friends are not used to myself and Sheamus dating but trust me you will get used to this I promise you"
Becky: "I hope so Sis because if you don't get your act together, you will get destroyed out there and you'll never become the Raw Women's Champion"
Me: "Thanks for your help, very much appreciated"
Yes I was being sarcastic about it but she's never had any faith in her own twin sister since I got with Sheamus, she's thinks he is a distraction to me when I know he is not, come on, I love him so much.

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