Chapter 91 ♡

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"I don't," I said, turning my back towards him and laying down, pulling the covers over my head. "Sleep on the couch. Leave me alone."

He didn't move for a while. Then, I felt him sigh and get off the bed and walk into the bathroom.

I squeezed my eyes shut and let the last of my tears for the night roll down my cheeks. I didn't know where he went, and yes, it killed me to find out, but I was too angry at him. I know he had a right to be angry at me, but leaving me alone didn't solve the issue. It was complete and utter bullshit.

I heard the bathroom door open as he walked out. The light of my room turned off and I thought he had walked out of the room, but then I felt the bed sink to my right. I clenched my jaw and heard Zayn trying to open the lamp light that rested on the side table. Once it opened, I heard the drawer open. What was he doing?

"Sit up," he ordered. "We have work tomorrow and you're going to get a migraine so take some Advil."

"Shut up."

"Never in your wildest dreams," he said, a smile in his voice. "Just take the pill then I'll leave you alone. I'll even sleep on the couch."

I groaned, then pulled the covers off my head before sitting up. Zayn smiled at me, but I didn't smile back. He held out his hand which contained two Advil and I quickly took them, putting them in my mouth. I turned to my side and opened my water bottle, drinking it so the pills could go down my throat.

I was about to put the water bottle down to the side when Zayn took it from my hand and took a giant sip. He always took the biggest bites and sips.

After he passed me back the water bottle, I put it on the side table, getting ready to lay back down. Zayn stopped me by saying, "I was a mum's house."

My heart stopped and I turned to look at him. He wasn't looking at me, instead he looked down, feeling ashamed of something. I furrowed my eyebrows and asked, "what happened?"

He shook his head, "go to sleep, I'll tell you in the morning. You have a headache."

"Zayn," I repeated, "what happened?"

He looked up at me, his hazel eyes shining in a somewhat odd way. I furrowed my eyebrows at him, "Zayn."

"Did you already tell her about us?" He asked, "about how we ran away?"

I nodded, then gulped. "Sorry. Was I not supposed to?"

"No, it's fine. In fact, I was going there to tell her that myself," he revealed.

"So what's the problem?" I asked him, trying to read his facial expression.

"Nothing," he said quietly. "But, um, did you tell mum why we ran away?"

"No, because I was afraid she was going to get mad at me and hate me. Or, you'd get mad that I told her," I took a deep breath, "was I supposed to?"

He stared at me, sincerity in his eyes. He leaned forward and kissed me gently, his touch excessive after the amount of time we didn't touch. He placed his hands on the sides of my face and didn't pull away, kissing me with an amount of passion I had never felt before. I kissed him back, even though I was still a bit angry, I knew that he needed me right now. And I needed him.

"Darling," he mumbled against my lips once we pulled away, "I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"Telling mum and Doniya," he revealed, "because now they want me to leave you."

My heart twisted as I felt like the breath had been knocked out of my body. He grabbed my hands tightly, then said, "but I'm not leaving you, sweetheart. I'm never going to leave you."

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