Chapter 52 ♡

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Chapter 52:

(Kat's POV)

"Christmas is so close and I still don't know what to get for Drew," Carlee said frantically as we made our third round around the mall.

We had been searching for Christmas presents for about three hours. Though I only had to get a present for Mom's family, Zayn, Jack, and Carlee, I still couldn't figure out what to get. Carlee, though, had a long list of people who she needed to find presents for. Every year, her family threw a giant family get together for Christmas, and I always envied that. Carlee had a perfect life, everything about her seemed to be wonderful. The most I've seen her cry is when her cat died.

On the other hand, with me, I had a far from perfect life. Christmas for me was a small ritual that Dad felt like I deserved, so he did it out of sympathy. Mom always called me down for Christmas, but I never went, making an excuse. I never wanted to leave dad alone.

But since Dad wasn't here this Christmas, my list shortened a person and my excuses for not celebrating with mom were useless.

Now, I watched as Carlee picked up a suit that she had picked up more than once before. She sighed, mentally debating weather or not she should get it for Drew.

"Just get it," I finally said.

She turned to me, "what's he going to do with a suit? He works at the cheesecake factory and he rarely ever goes to formal events."

"Then don't get it."

"But he would look good in it," she whined.

I sighed and gave up. It was not like she was going to end up listening to me anyways.

Meanwhile, I had already gotten Zayn a present. I remembered when he was helping me move things into my apartment, he saw my guitar. I had never really played it, but I always kept it because my mom used to play it to me when I was younger.

"This is a neat guitar," Zayn had said, examining it.

"I never even play it," I said. "I don't even know how."

He laughed, "you have a guitar and you don't even know how to play it?"

"It was mom's, I never even touched it. I always just kept it in my room."

He and I sat down on the couch as he spread the guitar across our laps. He began strumming a few keys, humming along. I rested my head on his shoulder as he began playing a song that I didn't recognize, but I was glad I didn't. His voice was made for it.

"Man," he said after he finished. "I would kill for one of these. The only guitar I have is the one Caroline lets me borrow while I'm working."

"You can have this one if you want," I had offered.

He brushed his lips on my forehead before setting the guitar back where he found it. "That one's yours."

"So? I don't play it."

He chuckled, "but it's yours. You're going to need it one day."

So that's when I had realized that I would be getting Zayn a guitar for Christmas. I had also gotten him some more stuff, but I was especially excited about the guitar.

"You know," Carlee said as she moved on from the suit, "you're lucky you don't have much presents to hand out."

I shrugged, "you can put it that way."

She glanced at me, trying to read my expression but got distracted when she saw a watch. She walked towards it, her attention stolen, and I followed.

"What about this?" She asked.

Runaway (A Zayn Malik fanfiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن