Chapter 12 ♡

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Chapter 12

(Kat's POV)

With two days left till the deadline, I needed to lose my remaining one and a half pound. Suddenly, I regretted those extra snacks that I had snuck upstairs.

I put on my workout uniform and head for the gym. I didn't need to tell anyone since dad decided to go to Cora's flat after work and spend the night there since Cora thinks they need more "quality time preparing for the wedding" together. But I didn't mind, Dad needed a break from the restaurant and Cora needed some time off of worrying about my about-to-be career.

After locking the door behind me, I made my way towards the gym. While I was walking, I heard my stomach growl; loud. I hadn't realized how hungry I was until then. All I had eaten the whole day was a piece of toast and some water. But I wasn't going to eat anything else for a while. I still needed to lose my pound, and maybe a couple of extra too.

When I entered the gym, I saw many sweaty people there, and honestly, after looking at them drenched in sweat, I realized that I've never worked out as hard as them. Meaning, I needed to work harder. My eyes wandered around, looking at everyone working out until I froze when I saw Zayn lifting weights. And the worst part, all the machines that weren't taken, were around his area.

I took in a deep breath, he wasn't going to stop me from reaching my goal. While I walked over to where he was, I tried ignoring him the best I could, but I had a feeling he'd noticed when he set down his weights.

I climbed onto the treadmill and decided to warm up with it. I set the speed of 3.4 and started jogging but I was soon interrupted by Zayn clearing his throat. I still ignored him.

"Kat," he said in a serious tone, "we need to talk."

I continued ignoring him and went on with my jog. Before I knew it, he reached over and pressed the stop button on my machine.

"What the hell Zayn?" I turned and looked him dead in the eye.

"Kat, look at yourself, you're too thin." He immediately responded, his eyes softening as concern filled his face.

I looked down at myself and realized that I didn't look much different. He was just overreacting. "Zayn, this is none of your business. Now leave me alone."

"Kat, it is my business. I'm not just going to stand here and watch you do something that isn't needed which will hurt you in the long run."

"Zayn, its too late now, I've only got a pound left and your opinion is not going to bring the other fourteen pounds back."

He sighed, "I know, and I also know that you aren't going to listen to me no matter what I say. But could I ask you a question?"

"Go ahead."

"What have you eaten today?" He asked in a serious voice.

My stomach sank. I knew that I could easily lie to him but I also knew that I was a horrible liar. And for the amount of time I had known him, I realized that he had known exactly when I told the truth and exactly when I was lying.

But I guess it was worth a shot.

"I had. . . um. . . For breakfast I had a bagel and coffee." I started, growing a bit more confident. "And before I came here I had a grilled cheese sandwich and soda."

A deep chuckle escaped his throat which caused my confidence to vanish. "You're a bad liar, you know that right?"

I glared at him, my blood burning with fury. Why was he so concerned with how I ate? Who was he to me?

"So what?" I spat, losing my patience with him. "I've had toast and water today and I'm perfectly fine, now leave me alone."

I turned back to my machine and continued jogging, not exactly caring what he thought. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him staring at me. After a while, he sighed and walked away; giving up.

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