Chapter 39 ♡

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Chapter 39

(Zayn's POV)

I pulled up my car in front of the over packed bar. I dug into my pockets trying to find my phone, once I found it I realized it was on silent. There were three missed calls from Kat, and a voicemail.

"Hey babe, well I guess you forgot to show up but it's okay, I'll just be walking home. Don't worry about me, I'll be at your place in fifteen," she said in the message.

11:09 is when that message was sent, right now it was 11:39. She couldn't have possibly been walking for thirty minutes.

I called her back, but I got no response. I tried multiples of times, but still no answer.

Oh no, what if something happened to her? What if another guy tried to me with her at the bar? What if she was hurt. Oh shit.

I ran out of my car, not even bothering to lock it. I stumbled into the bar, noticing that there were many people in there and there was no possible way I could find Kat. But I searched for ten minutes, asking people who looked sober if they had seen her around. Nobody gave me any answers until I reached the bartender.

"Hey mate," I said out of breath from running around the whole entire bar, "have you seen a girl come here with black hair and brown eyes. She was alone."

The bartender laughed, "I can tell you millions of girls who have walked into the bar and look like that. Does she have a name?"

"Kat," I replied.

"Oh you mean Kat? Yeah she was here about an hour ago, but she left because I told her she was drinking too much. I'm pretty sure she was waiting for someone but they didn't show up, so she decided to walk home."

"How drunk was she?"

He shrugged, "not that much, she was quite sober when she left."

She could be anywhere, and if she wasn't home right now, something was wrong.

I thanked the bartender and rushed out of the bar, praying nothing bad had happened to her. What if someone took her home with them? No Zayn, I said to myself, don't think like that.

When I was outside, I yelled her name just in case she was close, but I got no response.

I ran to the street she would've took if she had walked home. I called her name repeatedly, looking around but not seeing her anywhere. I was out of breath by the time I had to take a right turn, maybe I should turn and get my car.

No, what if she's here. There is no time for that.

So I walked down this street slowly because it was dark and I could see very little. My heart was pumping fast, not because I was tired, but because I was afraid of what had happened to her.

I walked up to the stop sign and stopped. I looked around for any sign of her before I picked up my phone and tried calling her again.

Once I dialed her number, a few bells rang before I heard a faint sound coming from some were. I looked around and spotted a phone on the floor, glowing and ringing. I walked to it and picked it up. It was cracked like someone had threw it on the floor, that's when I saw the caller ID, Zayn.

This was Kat's phone and she didn't have it.

My stomach twisted in knots, my heart beating faster, my legs were about to give out on me, but I stood up strong because I needed to find Kat. This was all my fault and if something had happened to her, I would never be able to forgive myself. Ever.

I was about to turn and keep looking down this street when I saw an ally in front of my. I squinted but it was so dark that I couldn't see anything, but I did hear a couple of people talking.

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