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Dream, Queen of the Light Realm, pondered the map in front of her. One of her best friends and advisers, Ink, The Creator, stood in front of her, studying her expression.

"Thirty missing cases Dream. We have to do something about it," She said.

"Do we have any idea who they might be?" Dream asked, studying the points on the map.

"We have a few." Ink looked at a list in her hand. "Alliah Banasan (I hope I spelt that right), Kaya Kuusi and Cross Jakei confirmed missing. It was kinda hard to locate just them, everyone else remains nameless." Dream frowned.

"Any idea why?" Ink shook her head. Dream looked back at the map.

"I don't get it, it's so random," She muttered. Ink looked at her before asking.

"Do you think it might have something to do with...him?" Dream bit her lip.

"...Maybe..." Ink raised an eyebrow. "Most likely actually." Ink nodded.

"Get Blue, Ink. We're about to pay a visit to the Dark Realm."

Nightmare, King of the Dark Realm, tapped a tentacle against the arm of his throne. He yawned, bored, and cracked his knuckles absentmindedly. A woman beside him winced at the sound.

"Sorry," He muttered. She shook her head.

"That's ok," She said, flipping a knife in her hand. Dust came into the room.

"She's coming," He said, an amused smile on his face. The two looked up.

"Who?" Nightmare asked. Dust's smiled widened.

"Your sister."

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