Chapter 7 - Adorable Smile

Start from the beginning

Prince Kai then realised what he had said and so his face heated up slightly too. His brother glared at his older sibling because of his words, Licht didn't know what he felt for the girl but what he did know was that he was jealous that he wasn't the one to cause Hana such distress. He wanted to be the one that made Hana become all flustered.. not his older brother..

Hana gulped and stood up abruptly which caught both of the boys' attention. "I want to feed some birds!", she said loudly and wandered away rather quickly.

Before the confused Princes could comprehend that the girl left them, Hana returned with a few bags of feed on her palms. She scurried to both princes and gave them both a bag. With her eyes diverted from both boys, Hana gestures for the pair to follow her over elsewhere.

The boys confusingly followed the girl without a word. The trio only walked over to a bench nearby which had some pigeons surrounding it. "Think of this as an exercise", she hummed and crouched down before reaching her hand out with feed in it. Pigeons came walking over followed by pecking the food from the girls hands. Hana couldn't help but giggle with the little tickles the pigeons gave her as they ate from her hand.

Upon seeing this, Kai crouched down and followed Hana's example. Sadly no birds came to him as they took one look at his face and walked straight over to Hana. "Seems less of an exercise for me Hana", the girl looked toward Licht who was hand feeding pigeons quite happily. "It's not your lesson Prince Licht, it is Prince Kai's", she spoke. "Oh right, it is isn't it"

Hana turned from Licht and looked at Kai. No matter how much he tried, no bird came to him. She smiled sadly at him before dropping the food still in her hands to the floor. Hana stood to her feet, brushed her dress and then walked over to the older Prince.

She crouched beside him which for a moment startled the Prince. "Sorry, I should of warned you", she thinly smiled and looked down at his hands. "The birds don't like me", he muttered. "This is where your lesson begins Prince Kai", he turned to look at her as she smiled brightly at him.

He couldn't help but feel his cheeks heat up by just thinking how adorable her smile was. He turned back to the birds and slapped his cheeks. Hana didn't think much of the Prince doing this, she only thought it was to pysche himself up.

"Prince please lay your hand flat", he did as he was asked and watched as the girl leaned over and poured some feed onto it. She leaned back and gestures to the birds just a little away from them. "Try and relax, don't push yourself to wanting the birds to come toward you", he hummed at her words and closed his eyes.

He breathed in and put and gently put his arm forward and then proceeded to stay still.

"Prince Kai, open your eyes"

As Hana said, Kai felt tickles upon his hand which made him feel happy. He slowly opened his eyes and saw multiple pigeons surrounding him. Both upon him and around him eating the feed from his hand.
He moved his head toward the girl who held yet another adorable smile. He couldn't help but smile softly as he watched the girl.

Unlike his brother, Kai begun to understand why he was feeling the way he was. He knew it would be difficult but he knew he couldn't help feel the way he does..

"It looks like you passed Prince Kai", she cheered. He slowly stood to his own feet which caused the pigeons around him to fly away. "Thank you Hana", she rose her brow and widened her eyes as she took note of his face. From what she heard from her brother, the older Prince could not give a gentle smile if forced but the smile the Prince was giving looked angelic even.

"Well shall we spend a little more time here Princes, then head back", she said and eyed over the hunched down Licht as she gestured to them both.

The blonde didn't reply so Kai turned round and tapped his younger brother on the shoulder. Light jumped slightly which resulted in his pigeons flying away. Light turned to his brother before turning to look at Hana.

"I was saying, shall we stay here for a little longer?", she asked once more. "Yes of course- I must try this food over here!", he then abruptly said and wandered over to the stands on the side of the plaza. Hana tilted her head in confusion but shook it off as he was excited for food.

"Let's feed more birds", Hana turned to Kai as he held out a bag of feed to her. "Yes let's do so", she smiled back and took the feed.

Kai went to sit on the fountain and did as he did before, which resulted in many pigeons surrounding him. Hana on the over hand crouched down and relaxingly dished feed out around her. Within seconds birds upon birds began to surround her. With the mass of birds, feed went everywhere which then resulted in pigeons landed on the girl. Hana only giggled as the pigeons tickled her with their feathers.

Before long Licht returned with his mouth full and came wandering over to his older brother. Licht then turned round but couldn't see the young girl anywhere. "Where's Hana?", Kai perked up at the question and stood to his feet, again with the pigeons flying away. "She was feeding pigeons with me", he too looked about before he looked down at the mass of pigeons surrounding something.

As the pair looked confusingly at the bundle of fluff. A figure began to emerge.. more so began to be carried away upwards.


Hana didn't realise what was happening until her name was called, she turned and saw her feet no longer on the floor. Her face dropped and so she wriggled about to get out of the pigeons' grasps.

However she soon felt a warmth on her waist before she was pulled downward.

"Your safe"

With those words, Hana blinked a few times to see Prince Kai's face. She felt beyond relief before feeling embarrassed with her position. "C-Can you put me down please", she stammered. Once her feet touched the ground she placed both her hands on her cheeks to hide the immense heat rising to them.

It didn't take a minute before Prince Kai's face starting to redden too. But he couldn't help but smile softly to himself at the warmth he felt as he held her..


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2020 ⏰

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