//Chapter One//

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Each of us is a

prisoner to some

degree of his dream.❞


A SIGH ESCAPED MY LIPS AS I STOOD IN FRONT OF THE DOORS TO THE 'DARK WARD'. The smell of antiseptics was strong, and my courage was faltering. Today was the day I recieved my new patients. I would have recieved them earlier, but the boss was... concerned, to say the least. These new ones were shipped here as a last resort, an absolute last chance.

And I was their last hope.

I took in a deep breathe before opening the large, steel barred door. I placed my hand on a screen that glowed a vivid green. I felt my skin tingle as the scanner took in my print.

"Access granted. Welcome, Doctor L/N."

The clanging and unlocking of the giant steel door made me take a step back from the noise. I winced as I saw many bars unlock themselves in an almost mesmerizing pattern. It finished and the corridor that was revealed was dark. There were dim lights above the doors along the right wall. The lights stretched down the corridor, ending with complete darkness, making me clutch my stack of files just that little bit tighter.

Something about the atmosphere made my skin crawl.

I brushed off the unnatural feeling and strolled towards the first door. An abrupt grinding made me turn back around. The door closed automatically, and I could see the bars compacting back together to seal the door away. Unfortunately, it also sealed away the light. I frowned as I slowly turned back around to see the dim lights stretching down the otherwise pitch black hallway.

Sighing, I kept walking until I stood solemnly in front of the first door. Shuddering, I opened the first file in my grasp. I had to stand really close to the door to actually be able to read the paper.



patient profile

✔ᒪOᑕKEᗪ  ✖ᑌᑎᒪOᑕKEᗪ

ᴘᴀᴛɪᴇɴᴛ #⁰⁰¹


D.O.B: 4 APRIL, 1997



REASON/S: From having an abusive and ultimately dysfunctional childhood, patient has suffered PTSD and other illnesses all their life. This, one day, led the patient to lash out and murder a family of four. Patient was also involved with gang affiliations.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Narcissistic Personally Disorder
Intermittent Explosive Disorder

WARNING: Beware of patient's emotions and body language. Is known to be very violent.


I furrowed my eyebrows as I closed the folder, a frown on my lips. This guy... has had it rough to say the least. I carefully put my hand on the door handle, A voice pestering me from the back of my mind. I recognised it as my boss's.

'You can't help everyone, Y/N. These patients are completely gone. I don't know why I even bothered to move them here. They cannot be helped.'

I growled, shaking my head.

'I'll show you, you old bastard.'

With a click, I opened the door swinging it open just enough so that I could enter. The room was hardly lit, and a glass wall divided the long room in half. Claw marks were cut into the glass, and there were many of them. A door was on the far left of the glass barrier, another hand scanner on it glowed green. I froze as I saw another thing. Dark crimson eyes staring at me.

A scream echoed as another claw mark appeared on the glass, making me flinch. A hand lay flat on the transparent wall.

"Leave. Me. Alone." A voice growled, heavy breathing making the glass fog slightly. I downed my courage and took a step forwards, letting the door behind me close.

"Mr Tomura Shigaraki? I'm Y/N L/N, your new doctor. Please, I mean no harm." I gave a warm smile as I placed my files on a nearby chair and held my hands up, as if to surrender. He held another hand up to the glass, glaring at me from the other side.

I could barely making out his features because of the lighting, but they were prominent. Light blue hair hung over his face, making the crimson eyes glaring at me more noticible. There were also many scars over his face, like he had been cut horizontally over his cheeks. His lips were badly dry and a darkened scar stood out over his lips. He wore the usual dark orange uniform required by all patients, which was a short sleeved shirt with long pants.

"Damn doctor. Leave. Leave. LEAVE! I don't need anyone's help. You'll just make it worse, and worse, and WORSE!" He started to scream, making me bite my lip. I walked forwards and stood a foot away from the thick glass separating us. I placed my hand on it, just a few centimeters away from his, making him flinch. He was a good half a foot or so taller then me.

"Well, sorry to say Mr Shigaraki, but I won't be leaving you anytime soon. I want to help you, with whatever I can." I gave a determined gaze as well as a smirk, his crimson orbs clashing with my E/C ones. He seemed to take a step back, letting his hands drop to his side. An angry frown was evident.

"God, you're, you're... so PATHETIC!" He started to scratch at his neck, the noises making me cringe inwardly. "I don't need help, I don't need help..." he started to chant these words, as if they were his saving grace. I sighed, thinking this harder then I thought. I looked over towards the door, debating whether or not I should go in. He must've caught my gaze, because he lunged at the glass, making me flinch and stare at him.

"If you come in, I'll kill you. I'll shred that pretty face of yours. I'll mutilate you beyond recognition." He warned, his body violently shaking.

I was almost flattered that he complimented me, too bad it was a death warning.

I gave a slow nod. "Don't worry, I won't. Not until you're comfortable." I reply, my voice calm. He pressed his hands against the glass again.

"Which will be NEVER, mind you!" He hissed. I gave a soft shake of my head.

"Very well, Mr Shigaraki. If you don't have anything else to say, then I believe I'd best be leaving, since it's in your best interests." I gave a nod as I walked back towards the door, slightly disappointed. I turned back with my hand on the knob. "I'll see you tommorow, have a nice day." I gave a smile and a wave before I slipped out, files under my arm.

I closed the door and looked down the hall, uncertainty in my mind. Who will be my next patient? And will they be as violent as Shigaraki?


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