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Chapter 38: 7-26-2250 210 a.d.d.

*Malaki p.o.v*

Tye spend the morning near me, watching me install electrical drivers with my power.

Hes very interested in what is it that I can do with it, so I showed him a few things here and there.

Hes smart too, able to work on the computers with me. He says he personally really likes technology, just never really got to use any.

"Tye, you know I could teach you how to do this right? If you wanted." I tell him while we sit near the dome power box. He looks up a bit from what hes working on.

"I don't know, is there anything I can really even do? I mean, don't you have to be a cyborg to really get computers?" I smirk a bit at his reply.

"No, kii-ea actually is just as good with them as I am, if not better, and shes not a cyborg." I laugh.

"What can she not do?" he questions in a seriousness.

"Tye man, I don't even know." I look to him, he nods understanding. He goes back to what hes working on, I see it's a watch. Like an old pre-doomsday one, he must have found it in our tech piles.

He seems really annoyed with it, mostly the battery.

"Hand it here, I can help with that." He looks up to me questionable, but he hands me the watch.

I touch the battery pack and hold it in my fingers.

The battery is fried, but I can probably force some of the hardend, spoiled battery liquid, back into a liquid state. I pop the battery open and it sparks a bit.

"Still good, just needs a new life." I scrape some gunk back and bring my power forward, 'talking' to the battery.

The battery buzzed in my hand, so I closed it and handed it back to tye, who was staring like I was the coolest person ever. He puts it back in and sure enough the watch starts ticking.

"Thanks." He mumbles, glancing up to me with a small smile.

"Malaki!" I hear someone shouting.

I turn from my work to find one of Joshua's men waing for me.

He looks scared. I nod to signal him to tell me.

"Sir, we spotted 2 military looking vehicles coming this way. They'll see the town the minute they get over the hill!" He's panting, and I can see he sprinted here.

I nod, jumping out the room

"Shit" I sigh, I connect my thoughts to cookie.

"Ill get kii-ea, evacuate all citizens underground now!" I tell the man.

"Kii-ea, baby get the guys into the rovers, then grab your gear and the guys, were heading out. Military vehicles heading this way, we need to go fast, west entrance."

"I got Hendrix with me, you get zed, well meet at the edge of town in 5 minutes." She replies.

Signaling a silent alarm, I request everyone underground.

"Tye go!" I shove the teen back towards the tunnel entrance.

"I can help Malaki!" he says.

"No! Go now tye! We need you safe! Comfort your sister!" I throw him in as I turn back to run to zed.

"All guards on high alert and woman and children go to the new 3rd basement level for protection. " I relay to everyone nearby.

Running into our personal rover, I find zed moseying out of our room, appearing to have just woken from a nap.

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