"No, your back is all types of fucked up. Go take aspirin and I'll be done in about thirty minutes." Kurt eyed her with widened eyes as if he had seen a ghost.

"Kurt, if you're fucking with me I swear."

"No, my back!"

She ran back to the bed advising him to lie down, he laid halfway down. "Hey, what's that?" Kurt pointed over at the window, she looked and saw nothing and before she knew, Kurt ran outside the door and locked her in. He was laughing so hard that tears were coming out of his eyes.

"Kurt Donald Cobain, I am so gonna kill you when I get out of here! Damn you!"

"I'll see you in say thirty minutes or so?" He laughed loudly and made his way down to the beige looking kitchen. He opened up the cupboard taking out pancake mix, sugar, and syrup. He then walked over to the fridge for eggs, milk, and bacon.

*K N O C K*

Kurt walked over to the door hearing commotion from outside. He looked through the eyehole and saw Presley, Krist, Shelli, and Dave just like Meadow said. Shit, Kurt whispered.

"Hey, open up Kurt. We're fucking starving man."

"You and I both know that's bullshit Krist, you're eating a donut right now."

"Can It Presley, this is only an appetizer."

"You are such a doofus, I swear."

"Dave, get your girlfriend before I have to hit her with my political views." Dave laughed and pulled Presley back. Kurt opened the door laughing, "What do you guys want?"

"Did you not hear that whole debate outside? We're hungry man." Krist looked at the rest of the gang smiling while he was getting dirty looks. "Okay, some are more hungry than others." Kurt opened the door and they all stumbled in.

"Hey, where's Meadow?" Kurt exploded with laughter motioning for Presley to go upstairs. She ran up the stairs and found Meadow's door was locked.

"Mea?" She heard footsteps from inside the room and then a banging on the door.

"Pres? Thank God, open the door." Presley reached for the key on the top of Meadow's door and unlocked the door. Meadow stormed past Presley, "I'll explain later." Meadow stood up at the top of the stairs, now locking eyes with a fearful Kurt.


"Now Mea, let's all be calm, civil adults."

"You locked me in my room Kurt, the whole script you had of us being 'calm, civil adults' is gone." Kurt backed away from her as she made her way closer and closer to him.

"Meadow, my beautiful, smart-."

"No no, none of that. Is breakfast even done yet?"

"No, but that's only because they showed up early-."

"Say no more, Presley go get my water bucket. Make sure to get one for everyone else too." She smirked and walked closer to Kurt.

"That's not necessary at all-."

"No Kurt, I think water is a great idea. Everyone line up and get one." Everyone made their way over to Presley and drew one from her arms.

Kurt looked over wide eyed at Krist, "Krist! What the hell are you doing?"

"Kurt look man I wanted food, so I came here for some. When I got here you didn't even touch the kitchen. So in my opinion I have every right to sic water on you."

They all marched Kurt outside to the lawn and one after the other, dumped him with the water. It got to Meadow and she couldn't wait to get him.

"Any other words Cobain?"

"You're beautiful." She smiled and walked over to him.

"You know just because you're a smooth talker doesn't mean this water isn't going anywhere."

"No, actually I think it is. Now Dave!" Dave ran up to Meadow, took the bucket and drenched both of them.

"You are a dead man Grohl." Dave chuckled at Meadow while the rest of the gang just laughed looking at the pair now on the floor, soaked in water.

"Breakfast is ready!" Shelli yelled from the kitchen.

Kurt and Meadow slowly walked towards the gang.

"You know what I think Mea?"

"What are you thinking Kurt?"

"I really think our lovely friends here need hugs from us."

"I couldn't have worded it better." Presley jumped on Dave's back, "Meadow if you touch me, I swear."

"Darling Presley, it's just water."

Meadow laughed and tackled Presley off Dave's back.

"You are such a bitch." She laughed at Presley, "That might be the nicest thing you've said to me since you came back."

Krist then came outside again, "Look, the food is getting cold and if you dillholes don't get in here I am inhaling this whole meal." They went wide-eyed and hurriedly ran in to get some breakfast.

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