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Aberdeen, Washington 1987September 29thMeadow ran back upstairs contemplating on what she should wear and what she should bring to wherever Kurt was taking her

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Aberdeen, Washington 1987
September 29th
Meadow ran back upstairs contemplating on what she should wear and what she should bring to wherever Kurt was taking her. When she was running back upstairs, she saw Blair smiling like an idiot in the corner of her eye.

This was one of the first times that Blair liked a boy that Meadow liked as well, usually it's the casual meet between the boy and Blair and then the pep talk at the end of the night of how boys are useless. It always discouraged Meadow because she felt that she was bringing home wastes of time, but Blair had the power of seeing who was good and bad.

Meadow hopped in the shower quickly and dashed out to get ready. She threw on a simple cardigan, some ripped black jeans and a cut up pair of Vans. She was always somewhat picky with her outfits, but not too precise. "Hurry up dipshit! Kurt's waiting."

Meadow rolled her eyes upon hearing Blair scream from down the stairs. That frown instantly changed when Kurt rushed to say quietly, "Take your time, I'm not in a rush." Meadow grabbed her bag and camera and took off for the stairs.

Kurt and Meadow made eye contact for what seemed to be the millionth time that day, and he was taken away by how she could manage to look simple yet complex at the same time. He finally uttered out, "I like your outfit." She returned the compliment with a simple smile and looked back down.

"Shall we?" Kurt said shyly. "We shall. Blair, I'll be home—."

"Forget the time, go out and have fun. Just be safe, and Kurt take care of her."

"Don't worry, she's in good hands Blair." Blair smiled at Kurt and quickly hurried her baby sister and him out the doorway.


Kurt and Meadow ended up at their first destination; a small diner in downtown Aberdeen. "I come here a lot when I can. They have real good food and the atmosphere is cool. I wanted to bring you here because this is my favorite place to eat and think, something I don't do that often at the same time." Kurt cracked his small grin and let out a soft giggle leading Meadow to laugh along with him.

They entered the diner and chose a booth farthest away from all the ignorant and radioactive highschoolers that swarmed the diner. As Meadow was walking to the booth, she spotted someone she never thought she would see again. It was her high school bestfriend, Presley. "Pres?" The brown haired young lady turned around from her coffee and went wide-eyed. "Meadow? Jesus, come here!"

Meadow ran up to Presley and gave her one of the longest and draining hugs she's ever given anyone. "You came back! But when?" Presley said in a monotone voice, "Mom made us move back here because California was getting too mainstream. You look great though Mea." "Same for you Pres."

Presley looked behind Meadow to see the fragile blonde haired boy standing behind her. "Shit, I'm never this rude. Who's this Mea?"

"Right! Pres, this is Kurt. Kurt, this is my longtime friend Presley."

"It's nice to meet you Kurt." Presley put her hand out and Kurt shook it kindly.

"Meadow, I'm gonna go save the booth. Meet me when you're done?"

"Yeah! Can you order me a milkshake, please?"

Kurt grinned, "Of course, what kind?"

"Vanilla, thank you."

"It was nice meeting you Presley." Kurt smiled at Presley and waked off to go secure the booth.

"I leave for a year, and you've landed yourself a stud." Presley and Meadow erupted in laughter. "He's adorable Mea. How'd you guys meet?"

"He's lived in Aberdeen his whole life, but his aunt and uncle started taking care of him and they moved in next door. We started talking and he's really neat."

"Well, I'm more than happy for you. You've had your fair share of dickheads in the past." Meadow laughed, "You can say that again Pres."

"You've had your fair share—." Meadow broke into laughter and Presley joined in. No amount of rude stares could stop them from enjoying eachothers company. It had been about a year and half since Meadow had seen Presley and she was excited that she could confide in someone again.

"Go on and have your date though love, I have to head home and start unpacking. Call me when you get home, we have to catch up." They both stood up and exchanged numbers.

"I'll call you Pres."

"Bye." Presley smiled at Meadow and walked out of the diner.
Meadow headed back to the booth and saw two milkshakes at the table, but no Kurt. He probably went to the bathroom, she thought, and she was right. Meadow couldn't contain her happiness, so she thanked Kurt with a kiss on the cheek. He blushed instantly and asked, "What was that for?"

"Just felt like doing it."

Kurt smiled, "Well, it's greatly appreciated."

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