Theory #21

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Sherlock Holmes: You're wrong, you know? You do count. You've always counted and I've always trusted you. But you were right. I'm not okay.

Molly Hooper: Tell me what's wrong.

Sherlock Holmes: Molly... I think I'm going to die.

Molly Hooper: What do you need?

Sherlock Holmes: If I wasn't everything you think I am, everything that I think I am... would you still want to help me?

Molly Hooper: What do you need?

Sherlock Holmes: You.

So this is going to be long.

Let's break this down shall we?

1) You're wrong, you know? You do count. You've always counted and I've always trusted you. But you were right. I'm not okay.

OK. To much in this line. To much. Sooo...

A) You do count. Damn. Like seriously. I'm preety sure this is Sherlocks way of saying "I love you" and come on! He's telling her that they are friends and that he cares for her! That's beautiful whether you ship Sherlolly or not.

B) You've always counted and I've always trusted you. I know people would say it's the same thing bUT IT'S NOT! He's saying he trusted her. He's always trusted her. Maybe even more so then John because you remember the freak out he had with John believing what they say about him, and he didn't tell any other of his friends he was alive except for Molly. And I think Molly's a bit introverted cause she hangs out in a morgue, and you're telling she had no other plans on Christmas to go except one her bully (sorry Sherlock but yeah) had planned and then go down to the morgue where she said I don't have any plans so yeah, let's go with antisocial, and being told that he's trusted her is probably really good for her.

C) But you were right. Sherlock saying Molly is right.

D) I'm not okay. First let me go cry. OK, here we go. I think that this scene is really special because by saying this line he's showing her his vulnerable side. He's telling her that he is not okay and that because of that he came to her. He came to her.

2) Molly... I think I'm going to die. This is kind of like the "I'm not okay" but to a deeper level. He's telling her that he thinks he's going to die. He's scarred and vulnerable. He is not okay. And he came to her.

3) If I wasn't everything you think I am, everything that I think I am... would you still want to help me? This scene breaks my heart on so many levels. I think Sherlock was scarred here. I think he was worried that she'd lost faith. Lost faith in him. Why else would he ask? Why else if wasn't scarred, worried and anxious? He was scarred that she had stopped believing in him, caring for him, having faith. Which leads me to...

4) What do you need? Molly said this. She said she still cared. She still believed. She never lost faith, she always believed and always will. She said that she will help him, comfort him even, no matter what mistakes he's made.

5) And of course. You know what line is next. You. He didn't need her to grant him access to the morgue, didn't need her to be someone to get him Coffee, no. He needed her. He's always needed Molly Hooper and he always will.

And just saying by the end of that scene I'm preety sure Molly and Sherlock kissed but the scene ended but come on. They totally kissed.

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