"No words could do you justice", Taehyung spoke in disbelief. His mouth turned into a big grin. As the photographer took multiple photos, he had to remind Taehyung over and over again to look at the camera as he was clearly occupied looking at something else. Rather, someone else.

"Can you blame me? Look at her-- actually don't look at her." Taehyung leaned forward and spread his arms to cover his bride, not wanting any other wandering eyes on her. The whole room bursted with laughter as Marin dug her face into his shoulder blade.


It was finally time for the actual ceremony. Taehyung's parents and Marin's aunt and uncle walked down the long aisle. Standing at the very end of the line, Marin clutched on to her older brother's arm, jumping out the nerves. Her brother let her just this one time, as even he was nervous when he got married to Sunghee.

Taehyung was just about to go down the aisle before glancing over to the back of the line, flashing a quick smile to Marin. She gave a two thumbs up before he went out. Marin didn't realize she was still clutching her brother's arm and let go embarrassed.

"Oppa", she called out. Sunghee and Mina were walking out, Marin was next. Her brother responded with a hum.

"Thanks for walking me down", Marin fiddled with her fingers. She always thought that her parents were only just disappointed in her career choice, thinking that they just wanted what was best for her, but the fact that they weren't going to give her off at her wedding proved that they really did intended on disowning her. She wanted to be upset, to feel angry and cry, but it was as if she had accepted the fact long ago.

The wedding planner gestured that they were now up. Her brother Hyunseong gestured his arm out for her to grab.

"Someone has to do it", he replied nonchalantly in his mumbled tone. Holding back a smile, she hooked her hand around his upper arm and the doors opened.

Everyone stood up as the music changed, indicating the bride was arriving. Jimin had to physically turn Taehyung around as the groom couldn't muster up the courage to do so, despite already seeing her moments before. Marin walked down the flower petal aisle, and it was as if he was staring at a goddess approaching him. He had to cover his face to cover his startled coughs.

Taehyung shook hands with Hyunseong as he handed Marin over. No, this is too soon, you can't cry now both of them thought in their heads as they faced each other.

The ceremony felt like only seconds because before the couple knew it they were pronounced husband and wife, sealing the deal with a kiss.


Taehyung's head threw back flabbergasted as he watched his now wife step out from around the corner, changed into her reception dress. Her flower crown she wore before was off and her hair was cascading down from their high bun before. Taehyung changed into another suit as well but it was nothing to how Marin had transformed.

"My princess", Taehyung greeted, holding out his hand and taking a hold of hers. If he wasn't in love before he was definitely falling in love at that moment. He wanted to marry her all over again.

 He wanted to marry her all over again

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