An Emperor's Duties

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EMPORER KAITO dropped into his chair, slumping into the seat cushion. He had been running around all day, having meetings regarding the Lunar Queen- Levana, with everyone in New Beijing being shaken up over the threat of her creepily crystalized ships hovering over Earth. The idea of the Wolf-like beasts on Luna haunted his mind. He looked over at the ever-growing stack of papers on his desk. He glanced down at his digital watch:


He needed a cure to this plague, and quickly. Sighing, he tiredly strode over to the table, a glint of silver catching his eye.

He knew what it was without having to take a step closer.

It was a metal foot. He walked toward it, grasping the ankle joint, bending it as if still in use. He sighed a sigh of hopelessness. He imagined her, in her awfully dirty dress, twigs and leaves in her already naturally messy hair, her pearl white gloves he had given her covered in grease stains. How happy he had been. Against his greater judgement, he had truly loved Cinder. Torin had been right, as usual. It was foolish to still have feelings for Cinder. But still, the idea of her bursting into his office doesn't seem so bad at the moment. He wondered what she would say, what he would say. He shook his head. No. Cinder is a runaway criminal,/ and he was now the Emperor of New Beijing. He would do what's best for his people, not his feelings. He would do what was right, not what he had doubts on what was right. He set the foot down on the stand. It was only when his hand shook, did he realize the truth. He was hopelessly in love with Cinder, and nothing else could physically stop him from doing so. He had to stop them, he had to-

There was a knock on the door.

He walked over and opened the door, not bothering to fix his dress shirt, loose tie, or messy hair. A tall, lean man was at the door. There were wrinkles on his face, and slight lines of gray, revealing the stress that came to him from the Lunar Queen's actions.

"Queen Camila is waiting to see you." Torin said, his voice was betraying no emotion. The strategy of doing so most likely taking years of practice. Kai nodded briskly, quickly fixing his appearance. Setting his feelings aside, he strode out the door, ejecting an image of a perfect and unalarmed emperor, covering the stressed, terrified teenage boy underneath.



I REALLY enjoyed writing this. I personally have a tiny crush on his highness.

Kai: Please just *Pretends to zip mouth* on the highness?

Me: *Faints*

Reader: Tiny. Really?

Me, while regaining consciousness: Well, I guess it's an average crush, per say.

Readers: *Stares unconvinced*

Anyway, drop any suggestions in the comments, leave a vote, and stay on the lookout for the next chapter! I love you 

- Coraleena

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