The Worst One: For the Sake Of Resolution

Start from the beginning

Raven and I walked back to the rest of the Team as they had already had the meal laying and waiting for us. burgers, hot dogs. a little bit of beer. Wait how the hell did they manage to get two cases of beer? i looked at Qrow who already cracked open a beer before anyone. that calls for an eye roll.
"So Y/N? how's the new arm treating you?" Tai asked seating down a plate of hot-dogs straight off the grill. I moved each finger individually as if they were like my old fingers. even showing off by spinning my wrist around, "okay okay show off."
As weeks flew by, i had gone to classes like ususal. I was the odd man out. No team to lean on to this time around. As i looked at Team STRQ i thought to myself, maybe things wont always be the same in the future eventually time changes everyone. i'm a perfect example of that meaning. looking at my little numb i thought maybe i could use that ablity to conger up an arm of black flames, goo, whatever it was. Kamwui maybe gone but that doesn't mean there could be others like me. Hopefull not.
"Excuse me are you the armless hunter?" a classmate called out.
I turned my head towards the voice a female student had begun conversation with me. I guess somehow someway roomers of a arm less warrior had slaughter a army of grimm reached the the kingdom of Vale, probably from Makoto's soilders who made it out that night. the conversation dragged on to a point where it came in on ear out the other. I looked at STRQ, Raven and I happen to catch each other starring. I waved hi but she just shunned me? what the hell did i do?
for a while raven and I havent been talking. Was it something i said, did? Five days had already pass and Raven still hadn't made any form or attempted to talk to me. Until one day i found her walking through dorm hallways alone. once our eyes met she averted instantly.
We blew passed each other, not a word.
I guess I'll give her a little more time...I guess.
In that instant I heard a few mumbles in my head.

"raven..." i said,turning around garbbing her wrist. She still refused too look at me, "Whats the matter, you've been avoiding me out of the blue. Was it something i did, say? Tell me and i'll apologize for it."
"Its nothing Y/N," Raven muttered.
"oh bullshit, i know my own girlfriend a lot-"
"can you not!" Raven voice echoed throught the halls she turned to me, refusing to look at me, well thats a start, "Maybe this my mistake if i just made a choice then maybe you wouldn't..."
"Whoa dont go blaming youre-"
"Let me go goddamn it." ravens her let me stop and say everything had a part to play. i held her with my left hand but that still left me defenseless. Raven sucker punch me across the face. That punch did stun me a bit even drew a little bit of blood from the corner of my lip, but i still held on to her, "Y/N i'm sorry i-i didnt mean to-"
"Ah forget about it, ive been through worst right!?"

Somehow, i was able to convince her to talk to me. of course we ended going to my room since it was more private. I was right little by little Raven had started to blame herself about my situation. I can't have her think like that now. So i tried my best to tell her if she wasnt there for me then maybe i could have gone berserk and Profressor Ozpin would have sent Qrow and her to kill me just in case. Hinoka would still be alive as well as Vass and Valas as well as Shiro.
"How can you sound so relax about everything? About what happen weeks ago?" Raven questioned me.
I wasnt sure how i was even able to coop with something like this. It never happen to anyone i know. To reassure both oursleves i held on to her hand.
"If it wasnt for You, Raven and everyone else i'm sure i would deal with this like a sain person....But" i had the water working starting to spray, "i rely on you guys way to much...Also Summer does scare the crap out of me..."
i was able to get her to laugh. Wipingthe tear away Raven and I talked all night hopfully i cleared her thoughts of doubt.

The morning had shown itself in a blazing ray of light hitting my face. From the corner of my eye was a fade squiggly line that wouldn't go away no matter how hard i tried to focuse my eyes. I looked over my shoulder looking at a clothed raven.
guess she's right whenever we do have a moment it invloves a this a sign of something?
Rolling out of bed slipping into sandles a few kncoked at my door caught my attention...
Oh my god...what if its summer?!?! what if she found out what Raven and i do?!
I braced for the worst, opening the door a women in white having her hair tied up in a bun behind her head, leaving some of her bangs hang on the right side of her face. She wore Atlas clothes...eww gross.
"Are you Y/N L/N?" She spoke in a stern confident voice. More of a manner adult spite her looking a few years younger than me.
"Yes who are you?" i asked.
"My name is Winter Schnee, Major General Ironwood sent me. It pretains to a certain package. Do you mind if i enter? its a simple fitting that just need to be done."
I looked behind me Raven's still a sleep, well this is going to be a surpise. The process didnt take very long, My arm came in two pieces the adapter that would, as Winter put it, clawing into my arm and insert inself in me. Clawing was right once Winter had attached the adapter to my numb the damn thing dung into my nervs i could feel pain in my body from numb to toe. felt like getting stabbed all over your body. It was nothing compared to what i've experienced already not that i'm a total badass. finally Winter clicked my right arm into place.
"there try moving it." Winter said. Okay but like how the fuck do i do that? is it..." You recall that pinch ealier, well think of it like..." before winter had a chance to explain, i started to move each finger sepreatly, curling them together forming a fist, "Seems you got it from here, i best be on my way. Major General sends his regards, Mr. L/N."

"well gang!, Qrow. We're almost done with Beacon! and on our way to becoming full fledge licenses hunters and huntdress!" Summer exploded with excitment, "aww just think of the good we'll do down the future."
"Y/N do you know what your going to do after we're done here?" Qrow ask handing me a beer,
"Qrow what the heck?! when did you being alcohol?"
"Cant say i've thought much about it," I laughed, was it really a joke. I'm still a student off to graduation. and yet....

"Master Y/N! are you alright?!" A guard shouted, he must have talked about my missing arm Hinoka had severed hours ago. Raven and I managed to elimate most of the Grimm the invaded the Village. Kifuyu and Credo weren't anywhere to be found. What an unsettling feeling.
"I'm fine, hows Milla?" i asked.
"Lady Milla..." An erupted pause stopped the soilder from speaking they refused to make eye contact with me which wasn't helping my feeling, "Lady Milla had left as soon as Lady Suzuka had aided her. Some Grimm managed to slip by us going after the people to started to flee. She was only trying to aid they as well."
Damn like that she left again, "Very well. EVERYONE! OUR JOB HERE IS DONE! KAMWUI HAS FALLEN! there's no more reason to be here anymore..."
"Master Y/N, Lady Makoto had told me to give this to you incase something like this were to happen."
They handed me a map Raven, looming my shoulder, and I looked over the map. Seems she had a few secret houses off the grid that nobody would find. This should do. It can help Raven and I get some rest after tonight. get some supplies head back home. Home...can i still call it that now?

i guess i really havent figured out what i wanna do? Stay with Raven and live a happy life? Or just go my seperate ways? These Rings on our fingers spoke so many words, promises commitments down the rode. But doubt still looms over my shoulder.
she giggled parting some of my bangs away from my eyes, "You're doing that thing again where you space off. You didnt answer Qrow, which means you havent really thought about the future."
"What? No i just...I havent, I would want to spend it with everyone here, but i know somethings with permit me from doing so. As well as being by Ozpins side. I cant seem to figure out what i wanna do. And it not cause of XYZ. Cause when ever i look at myself now, being this one arm, one robotic arm, part human, part grimm, i just get a blank card."
"well how about thinking what you wanna do first, right here right now?" Summer said, i lifted my head towards her as she gave off the same leadership light some of us looked up to.
Slamming my hands on the table it hit me harder than a sucker punch, "Sorry guys! but i gotta go!"

-a few hours later-

Raven POV

Y/N hadn't shown up after he left us hanging that night. I went to go check up on him at his room. I gave it a few knocks but no answer. I guess whatever he had to do was really important. What could he be doing at this late of an hour?
"Raven?" His voice shocked me, as he came running down the hall his chest rose and fell, What he running back?
"w-Where have you been?" i asked walking towards him until we were one arm length apart.
"I talked to Ozpin about an earlier graduation..." Y/N said. An earlier graduation? Why would he request such an abrupt thing from Oz...he eyes looked worried, biting his lip i felt a little uneasy, rubbing my ring.

The Worst one Raven Branwen X MalereaderWhere stories live. Discover now