Chapter 12: Unexpected visit

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After a few more hours online you could feel your eyes growing sore, normally you would just tell the egg boys to log off and so you could take an hour or so to rest but they were doing well on their own. "Stick to your online personas or log off, I'm gonna take a break" you trusted them enough to where you could leave them to their own devices without much worry. You decided to wander into the workshop and watch Pentious as he went about tinkering with his little contraptions. The mechanics behind his devices were far beyond anything that you could hope to even comprehend but that was fine. Even if you didn't understand, it was still nice to watch him work and hear the enthusiasm in his voice as he tried to explain what it was that he was up to. Several little eggs were working with him passing tools along, keeping the light on certain spots, and bringing over the blueprints he had made. The small little buzzing of a phone the only off sound lingering in the room but he didn't seem to make an effort to grab at it, an unfamiliar name rested on his screen for a few moments before it stopped ringing. A few seconds of silence passed before it started to buzz and cry out once again with the same name on the screen, this time around Pentious set down one of his little tools and picked it up. "Well hello again v-" he stopped mid sentence, he seemed just as confused as you were but he still hit the answer button "Hel-" he paused once again, his face alone saying that he couldn't understand something "Wait what? Hang- I can't hear you with all the blasted static!" He got up from his little work bench and exited back into the hallway in an attempt to get a better signal. You couldn't help but follow and watch as he seemingly did his best to try to understand the person on the other end of the line "What is wrong with your cellular device?" he seemed extremely annoyed. Given that he wasn't even trying to use any sort of lingo and was sticking to older terms you could only assume the person was one of his friends rather than a random caller. "Put it on speaker maybe I can pull something out of it" you suggested, he rolled his eyes but hit the little button. Sure enough there was a rather loud static crackle that emanated from the phone, a woman's voice seemed to be speaking but you could not make out a single word that they were saying. A few more seconds of the noise continued before another voice seemed to enter the mess, faint enough to nearly blend in with the static but you swore you heard it speak and let out a low unsettling chuckle. A chill ran down your spine almost enough to draw a small shiver as the static continued, soon both voices were completely drowned out with a sharp ring. After a few moments, the call dropped leaving just the two of you to stand there and look at the now blank phone screen "Who was that and What was that about?" you asked "That was the seamstress that I had hired to make that uniform of yours, I don't know why she was calling but it sounded urgent. I'm sure that if it is she'll at least try to text m-" just as he was saying it a small little ding rang from his phone with a message popping up on the screen. "She texted that fast?" you thought to yourself, it was odd then again she had those strings of hers to use. Pentious pulled his phone up closer to his face as he looked at the message, though you wanted to see you figured it would be easier to let him read it first then relay the message. Squinted eyes seemed to widen a bit as his eyes darted form one end of the screen to the other, a single curse escaped as a frustrated and almost scared hiss "Shit." You watched in confusion as he shoved his phone back into his pocket and let out a sharp whistle, a number of eggs popping out of seemingly no where and quickly running up to him. "24 and 71 head into the kitchen and prepare some coffee and tea, the rest of you rally the others and get every inch of this place clean. I don't want a single speck of dust visible, do you understand?" sure enough the little eggs split up and darted back into whatever place they popped out of. "Ok what the fuck is going on?" you asked "Apparently one of the princesses little friends happens to know Cherri and wants her back. They're going to come over in an hour or so and try to collect our little prisoner" a rock formed in your stomach damn near heavy enough to let you to crash to the floor. "So, the princess of hell is coming here?" your voice was somewhat shaky. You didn't know much about the rulers of hell but rulers had their place for a reason, wild thoughts could only imagine how badly the whole ordeal was going to go "We're so fucking dead." "Don't freak out, the Princess is nothing more than a little creampuff" Pentious explained "The most she'll do is kindly request that we turn Cherri over to her, the girl would never harm so much as a gnat" he explained. "... then who's the guy that's gonna kick our asses?" you asked, he chuckled a bit "No one, she's not the type to go running to mommy and daddy if things don't go her way and so long as we don't lay a claw on her guards and that little hot headed moth she calls a girlfriend won't do any harm. Just leave everything to me sweetheart and we'll be perfectly fine" he assured. "We'll just talk for a bit, have a drink, keep an eye on her friends, and send her on her way. It's as simple as that, we just got to keep an eye on anyone she brings alone" he seemed convinced but you sure as hell weren't. "How the fuck can the princess of hell be harmless? Maybe in terms of power? No that's not right the daughter of two powerful entities would have some capabilities. Where is the catch?" you thought to yourself silently. "Come now, we must look our best!" not wanting to waist another second he took hold of your arm and quickly pulled you down the hall and into his room. He seemed to already have a plan laid out if this event ever took place, after he changed into clean clothes Pentious practically shoved you into the bathroom. He seemed more concerned with appearance than anything else, you honestly didn't know why he dragged you in with him until he spun you around with his tail and started running a comb through your hair. Why he had a comb in his bathroom when he didn't have hair was beyond you. "Even if it is just the princess it never hurts to look good for royalty" despite your hair length he managed to tie it up rather nicely with a little golden ribbon and make a damn near perfect bow with the ends of the small cut of fabric. The look was cute and the bows color matched perfectly with your uniform "I still don't get how your so chill with this? I mean I may still be fresh but last I checked power determined who's on top" you said. "No need to be so paranoid, the princess is extremely passive and as I said wouldn't harm so much as a gnat. We will be fine, besides she'd probably just watch if we had to put one of her friends in their place" he laughed out. "I just have a bad feeling" you muttered "This is hell my dear, you're bound to have bad feelings for no apparent reason" Pentious explained. Though he did his best to try and bring some comfort it felt as though you were being prepped for a slaughter house rather than being dolled up for a princess. When he was finished with you, he went on to tending to himself, making sure his jacket was smooth, straightening his bow tie, and rubbing an odd oil like substance on his scales to make them ever so faintly shine. You knew he wanted to talk the princess out of it, he seemed to have fought against Cherri for years and would never willingly give her up, hell even you were reluctant on that idea and you had only fought with her twice. Still, if the princess of hell wanted her no doubt she'd find some way to take the cyclops from his claws. Heading downstairs the eggs were scrambling to keep the place in top condition, the damages to the carpet were now gone and almost everything had an ever so soft shine to it. Once again it all boiled down to yet another round of the waiting game, waiting to see the princess, waiting to see how it would go, waiting to see who she would bring. You sat on one of the steps of the main staircase trying to calm the panic growing in your chest "I told you, it will be fine" Pentious said as he slithered besides you and slowly placed an arm around your shoulder. As he moved up against you in an attempt to bring comfort you could feel the little metallic gun in your coat pocket shift, it was right there yet it felt like it was a mile away from your claws. Resting your head on his shoulder eyes could only stare at the door in front of you waiting for some gentle knock or ring to bring an end to the waiting. "Are you that worried about being harmed?" pink claws gently trailed under your chin and lifted your head up towards the serpent king "I can have the boys guard you in your room if you want" he offered. "It's fine, I'll stick around. Besides, do you really think I'm gonna ditch you after all the shit we've gone through?" he rolled his eyes and ever so gently pressed his lips against yours. It was only for a moment but the cooler kiss was enough to wear away some of the lingering dread "I know you won't" he chuckled. Only a few more second had passed before you both heard it, below the little whispers of the eggs there was an ever so faint knock on the door. Like clockwork the two of you got up, Pentious quickly slithering over with you practically in his shadow. Folding your arms behind you back was the only way to hide trembling limbs as he opened up the door. You were hit with a wave of confusion as eyes fell upon a pale blond girl and another with ashen skin and white hair, both of them seemed younge and somewhat nervous. You don't know what it was you were expecting to show up but it was certainly not that, though they didn't look human they were far more human like than the majority of demons that you had seen so far. Before your mind could even question which one was the princess Pentious spoke "Well hello Princess, it's a pleasure to meet y-" his eyes quickly widened and he recoiled backwards. A high-pitched screech left him as he accidentally knocked you down in his sudden panic, a distorted voice seemed to speak out for a moment as Pentious wrapped his tail around you and pulled you away from the door holding you behind him. Looking back upwards eyes saw what had startled him, another demon walked past the girls and let himself inside. Eyes trailed upwards over crimson attire till they finally came upon a face that could embed itself within the nightmares of all demons, a golden shark tooth smile coupled with bright eyes that held an unnatural red glow. Ice practically overtook skin as the room itself seemed to drop to arctic temperatures. You had no idea who this demon was but you didn't need to, this demon in red was bad news and you were already terrified of him.

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