Chapter 11: Reality check

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"Hmm? So, you are opting to type me into this little story of yours? Are you trying to add a little spice to your work? or are you trying to save yourself? No, even an underling would know that this alone would never sway my thoughts. A sacrifice for entertainment then! I must say, I'm surprised with how far you are willing to go with this. Are you aware of what this action is going to bring about? Who am I kidding, of course you know! HaHaHa! you wouldn't be taking such a course of action otherwise. Very well then, I'll play along with your little narrative. Don't blame me though if wandering eyes happen to dislike this little decision, it was your choice after all."

Just like before eyes awoke to the sight of an empty space besides you, despite how tightly coiled he had been around your body he once again managed to slip away without waking you. If you were a heavier sleeper it would have self explanatory but you weren't and that's what made it so mind breaking to think about. A small yawn escaped you as you headed back into your own room for your normal wake up routine, a shower, a brush of the fangs, a change of clothes, then a trip downstairs for whatever breakfast the little egg minions had cooked up for everyone. Heading out of the kitchen more and more eggs kept popping up and running out from the stairwell that lead down to the production room, there wasn't a doubt that Pentious was down there replacing the eggs that had been lost in the fray against Cherri. Though it had been two weeks since the terf war he had before you arrived there wasn't a doubt that not enough time had passed to replenish the resources necessary to fully mend the new damages. Sure enough, there were still spots were the carpet had yet to be replaced and though more eggs ran around to clean up the remainder of the mess there wasn't as many as before. Flagging down your selected 8 minions, you moved them into the computer room with you. There was a simple routine you normally went though every day: check notifications, send a few messages in regards to them, then go loosely browsing over the top news. It was simple and you and all the egg boys usually followed that routine on their accounts. That wasn't going to happen today, not for you at least. There was a flood of notifications on your account in regards to the video posted of you, Pentious, and Cherri bomb in the dungeon. You knew damn well that even if you sat there all day you'd never be able to get through them all at the rate they were made and you didn't even tag your own account when you posted the video for Pentious. With that many to look at you could only assume that the notifications would be nothing less of a tsunami for you snake kings account. "Hey, 38 log off for a second and tell Pentious to come here when he has a minute. He's gonna wanna see this" sure enough the little guy hopped off his computer and went on his way. "What's wrong miss?" one of the other eggs said from behind their screens, it was hard to tell who said it. "Nothing it's just that I didn't expect this video to blow up like it did" you replied "If I have over a thousand notifications Pentious is bound to have even more since he is the one who originally posted it" you explained. "Isn't that good?" they asked "Ya it's good but I have no idea how to manage this, i've never had a account this big or grow this fast overnight." You knew well what you signed up for the moment you suggested the idea but you had no idea it would get this crazy especially since there were videos like it all over the internet, then again Cherri was somewhat popular and hadn't been part of those particular videos until now. "Welp, I'm never gonna be able to leave the house again" you thought to yourself, scrolling though the mess of comments a lot of them seemed to be extremely sexual in nature but there were a few others that were more concerning. On top of demons offering to buy you and the cyclops as their personal sex toys there were some threats mixed in the mess of comments, demons demanding Cherri and you for themselves as well as a handful saying to release Cherri or there would be consequences. Online trolls normally had more bark than bite when you were alive but down in hell it was hard to tell who would follow through on their promise of violence and who would just sit idly. It sparked a new question that you hadn't thought about before "What if someone tries to come and get her?" If the eggs tripped and got splattered by Cherri alone then they'd be completely screwed if more than one demon decided to storm the place by force, or if multiple demons collaborated and actually came in with more than just a bunch of bombs and a whole mess of rage. You saw what the girl could do before hand but with all these other demons you didn't know what they would do, what they were capable of, or who they knew. "Where the fuck is 38 and Pentious?" the other eggs seemed somewhat startled as you quickly got up "What's wrong?" "Is something the matter?" "Are you ok?" they asked. Sure enough just as you were about to start walking towards the door an egg rushed in followed by the tryhard that you wanted to find. "What is it? I'm a little busy" he hissed softly "Log on and check your notifications" you quickly logged off your own account and practically shoved him into the chair. "That video blew up overnight, I might be paranoid but we got a handful of death threats mixed in and I don't know if I should take them seriously or not" you explained, his eyes seemed to widen as he took a look at his own notifications. "Oh pay no mind to them, they are just a bunch of haters that wish they could have gotten their paws on her" he replied, he seemed to beam in delight at the wave of attention and flood of new followers he was getting online. "And if they're not?" you questioned "Then we'll take care of them" he seemed so confident with his answer but you weren't "With what? Half your army is splattered and the only reason we got that stupid bitch is because she was too pissed to think clearly about what she was doing. If half your eggs got killed by her alone, while she was wounded, what happens if a group of her buddies or these thirsty dudes show up to try and take her?" you asked. "Cherri is much stronger than the majority of demons down here, her acrobatics, strength, and pyrotechnics make her a force to be reckoned with but not all demons' hold such power. All of these little threats are coming from lowly sinners who don't have the guts to back up their words, they lack the power and courage to take on someone as powerful as I" he explained. You supposed that made sense but there was still that little bit of uncertainty, there was a wide gap between where you assumed the top was and where Sir Pentious rested on the power scale. "You don't seem convinced" he said turning away from the computer screen "Listen, worst case scenario another powerful demon shows up and I lose some terf. We'd rebuild, regroup, and bounce back stronger than before, that's just how the cycle goes. I know you're still new and afraid but it's fine, you win some, you lose some, you hurt others, you get hurt, it's all just part of the game. At the end of the day though, less the angels or higher ups do us in, we're all still standing" He explained. It really didn't matter what he said to try and reassure you, perhaps it was paranoia but there was still that feeling in your chest silently calling out that yet another mistake had been made by you. Even if the damage could be mended the thought of an endless cycle of pain didn't bring comfort, even if he did try and shield you from it seeing him bleed would be just as painful as if it were you taking the blows yourself. "That doesn't mean we shouldn't be cautious" he folded his arms and let out a little laugh "My dear I've been in hell far longer than you've been alive, I have safety measures and plans in case anything goes awry. Don't worry your pretty little head about it" you wished for a moment that you had his confidence, then again with more time in hell perhaps you would eventually pick it up but for now uncertainty still lied in your head. "Fine, I'll try not to" you muttered. Logging off he stood back up and rested a hand on your shoulders, one look at his face enough to tell you that he knew you were still skeptical about the entire ordeal "You're still fresh so I know that even I won't be able to entirely convince you, but believe me when I tell you this, it is alright. You'll get used to these kinds of situations after a decade or so" he assured. "Provided you still wanna keep me around Mr. Popular" he smirked at your little remark "You really think I'm gonna get rid of you after all the shit we've gone through?" he jokingly questioned. "I know you won't" you replied, it was somewhat of an annoyance to hear the eggs giggle and snicker behind you but you didn't bother to tell them to shut up.

Authors notes: To be perfectly honest I've heavily derailed from the original design I had for this story. I can't say much but it was supposed to only be 10 chapters with a darker tone and lemon in chapter 6, I had each chapter lined out for what was to happen and yet here I am with something far better than I originally planned.

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