Chapter 10: Small victory

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To say everything was a mess was an understatement, between the yolk, the blood still splattered across the room, and the aftermath of your little video everything was completely drenched in the colors of sin. It was only reasonable that the mess be tended to before anything else was to be done, though Pentious seemed somewhat tired from the entire ordeal he kept his hood popped up as he boasted to what remained of his egg legion. He went off about the two of you putting Cherri in her place and how she would never get in the way of their territorial takeover plots again. Once again he sounded like a try hard villain boasting to his minions, you couldn't help but roll your eyes as you maneuvered around the crowd of eggs. Though they were curious as to what had happened down there you simply told them to wait and that the video would be online later. It was easy to slip away upstairs as Pentious kept the majority of their attention, locking yourself in your room there wasn't much to do but slip into the bathroom and try to clean yourself up. Warm water helping to clear thoughts and wash away the remnants of wrath that desperately kept trying to cling to flesh and hair. Slipping into fresh night clothes and warping a towel around slightly darker locks you sat on the edge of the bed, tiredness and a faint chill doing what they could to try and pull you back into the warm embrace of silken sheets. Despite the desire to sleep there was still work that had to be done, the video had to be posted and your little group had to make sure that it was shared and spread across hells internet. Tugging the towel away from still damp hair you did what you could to stay awake as claws glided along the door handle. A few eggs darted past the door as you stepped out "What did you and boss do?!?" despite how derpy the little guys were they sure could be extremely perverted. "Can we see the video?" "Did you get revenge?" "Is she gone?" the questions just kept pouring out of them, you couldn't help but chuckle at their curiosity. "You'll see later less Pentious wants to delete the vid" you replied as you walked past them "Aw no fair" "You're no fun" they replied. Only a few steps had been taken before you noticed a familiar figure slither up the stairs at the end of the hall. The timing felt all too perfect and with the sight of the boss the eggs quickly began to dart away heading back to try and continue cleaning up the mess downstairs. "Hey danger noodle want me to edit that video or are you fine with it?" there wasn't that little kick this time around as you used the name he hated. "I'm fine with it" he replied "Just mark it up with whatever captions and tags you feel are best, I'm too tired to be bothered with it." He tossed the phone into your hands, you wanted to make a joke about him being worn off after only one hour but for some reason the words just didn't want to leave your lips. You only watched as he slithered off towards his room "Don't lock the door, I'll be in after I get my little team to help try and make this go viral" Adding a caption and tagging it appropriately only took a second. As you looked up to hand the phone back to him it was hard not to notice a familiar smug look on his face "Oh? You want me all to yourself tonight?" he asked as he raised an eyebrow. A small chuckle left you as you playfully pushed the phone into his hands "Not like that, besides you seem to tired" a small laugh escaped him as he cupped the side of your head "That may be, but at least I managed to make you blush for once." You scoffed and gently planted a small kiss on his cheek "Me, blush? Never. You must be imagining things" you replied "Is that a hint of embarrassment I hear as well?" You couldn't stop giggling. He was actually pulling it off and he knew it, there was no getting rid of that cocky look on his tired face. "Alright alright you got me, go get some sleep I'll take care of the rest" though it somewhat sucked seeing that smug grin and dorky laugh disappear behind the door there was still work that needed to be done. Heading down the stair the eggs were still going crazy trying to scrub the blood and yolk out of the carpet as well as cut away the areas that had been singed by Cherris explosions. "17, 21, 38, 42, 78, 80, 107, and 413 you're with me on media" Though not their true boss Pentious had made it clear to your select 8 that they are to follow orders as if you were him, they quickly passed their rags and bottles of carpet cleaner to the other eggs and bounced along side you as you headed to the computer room. "Share the video and message it to groups and accounts that focus on any kind of violence or revenge" quick as ever they turned on the computers and immediately logged onto their accounts reposting and sharing immediately with their own inappropriate comments and tags, the entire time they were giggling and practical drooling as they saw the video with their own eyes. While they expressed their thoughts to Pentious you always thought it was just blind loyalty but now it was looking far less innocent than you had originally thought. Ya it was somewhat weird but if it did go viral it wouldn't be hard to make sure that you never left the house again and no doubt the eggs would either be broken or forget it all soon enough. Watching their screens, the eggs messaged several dozen groups and hells online giants, with the video posted, shared, and messaged to a mess of others there wasn't much else that could be done aside from wait to see if it would blow up. It was odd, Cherri didn't seem like that big of a demon but the views on the original were skyrocketing, no doubt Pentious would take delight in the mass of comments that started to pool. Taking a look the shit that people of hell were saying was completely unrestricted and with no shame what so ever, some of it was funny while others made you physically sick when reading them. There wasn't a doubt in your mind, you were not going to be leaving the house any time soon. "Alright boys we did our part back to cleaning" though they wined and complained about not being able to watch it more they obeyed. They logged off and went with you as you headed back into the main room. A good portion of the yolk had been removed and parts of the singed carpet were being replaced but there was still some work to do, you figured it would be better to let them do their own thing rather than risk getting in their way. Heading back up the stairs heavy eyes were more than ready to close. Carefully opening up your snake kings' door you did your best to keep quiet as you went inside, locking the door behind you there wasn't anything more pleasant to do than head over and slip under silken sheets. He stirred for a moment and opened up one of his eyes, a look of annoyance faded in an instant as he saw that it was only you. Just as he had done the night before he sat up, wrapped his tail around you, pulled you closer to him, and rested his chin on the top of your head. That same lovely chill dancing with the warmth of the blankets to create a silent lullaby, the feeling more than enough to let eyes draw to a close.

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