Chapter 1: Oh, how we fall.

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Authors notes: This story is going to be far longer than what I would normally do, in addition to gaps in the text to signal a time jump I'm also going to try to type from a second point of view. As to be expected there is going to be violence, gore, a lemon or two in a later chapter, a lot of egg boi deaths, and some cringe dialog. I'm only working with what information I could get from "Something rotten" and what little was said about him during the live streams so some parts may not be in character later down the line when the piolet is released. Other than that, sit back, relax, and enjoy the story.

A single cry of alarm rang out for only a moment before being completely drowned out by an unmistakable blast of a gun, there was no chance to turn around, no chance to scream, no chance to think. The smallest pang of discomfort and sickly warmth softly echoing and pulsing through flesh letting you know that something had hit you, wide eyes slowly trailing downwards to a mess of blood pooling out of a new hole in your shirt. Bright fabric being stained multiple shades of red as liquid crimson spilled forward spreading over fabric and skin. There was no blistering pain, only the horrific feeling of a dark warmth spreading over fear frozen flesh. The screams of the others seemingly muffled and slowed as they panicked and made their frantic dashes to safety as another loud blast rang out behind you. Vision and balance blurring away within the ever so slow moment, leading you to fall backwards off the bar stool that you had been sitting on. The feeling of falling seeming to slow to a stop as everything slipped away, the only arms out to catch were the ones of death himself. His colder grasp and unusually merciful kiss letting it all crumble into darkness before your body could strike the tile ground below. A dark, silent, nothingness encased the soul leaving nothing to be seen, thought, or felt as death carried on with the second part of his job. Without a parting glance he quickly passed you downwards and went about to catch the next soul falling into his arms. The feeling of sinking the only thing a fractured soul could register as you passed through the barrier and down into the crimson skies of hell. A soft red glow piercing through eyelids but the fear of what would be seen left your eyes glued closed even when the light breeze kissing your skin grew fiercer. The feeling of sinking replaced by the feeling of free fall, wind whipping past skin and hair leaving an almost sickening weightlessness in your stomach. Thoughts kept quiet not even trying to process what was happening out of fear of what it would bring. A small voice seeming to call out something from below but before a thought could form to pick apart or even make sense of the little voice everything came crashing to a halt. While death may have been able to take away the pain of falling in life, he could do nothing to help you now. A horrid wet thud lasted for only a moment as your head struck the ground below leaving everything to fade away to darkness as you were knocked out on impact.

There were no colorful dreams to bring comfort or peace, just more empty darkness and a slight annoying pain on the back of your head. A soreness just barley there but present enough to keep your mind from the edge of a completely black dream, the little annoying pain slowly growing as a new irritant arose. Something was speaking, the muffled whisper hardly there but still present in the darkness. It faded for a moment before starting back up again this time slightly louder, slowly it grew clearer with each word spoken carefully breaking apart the dream like state that was consuming your soul till it shattered entirely. A dim light faintly showed past eye lids and the once faint voices were now clear enough to understand. "It's not fair why does she get to sleep in his bed?" "Shush" "Shush, it's the boss's orders" a smaller shift making it clear that something was right besides where you laid. Curiosity and annoyance toppled over fear as something brushed against your head, eyes opened up and were greeted by a rather strange sight. The bar that you had been in was long gone, replaced with the sight of a lavish bedroom coated in striking garnet, onyx, and gold coloring. A large egg-shaped creature drew its hand back as a scream escaped your throat, both of you scurrying back away from the other. Backing against the wall you watched as the egg creature hopped off the over sized bed and scurried behind the others as they turned to look at the commotion. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU?!?!" the trio seemed just as panicked, pushing fingers to the crack in their shells that mimicked pointed mouths they started begging for silence "Shhh" "It's ok miss" they tried to assure. "No! this is not ok, where am I? What are you? What the fuck did you do to my head?" the eggs just seemed to shrink back. The three in front of you seemed to be just as scared and confused as you were "We didn't do anything" the left most one whimpered "Boss just brought you here and told us to watch you" he finished. Lifting up a hand the intent was to rest it on your still pounding head but as you looked a loud gasp escaped. It was like looking at an animals deformed paw, one finger was missing, nails were replaced by razor like claws, and the color was something you were not used to. Taking a glance down the icy grasp of fear sent an unforgivable chill down to the very marrow. Your body was twisted and morphed beyond recognition into something more animalistic in nature, the clothes you once had gone and while it was replaced with something far nicer it was still not right. "What the hell happened to me?" you said as you looked over at your newfound claws "You fell" replied one of the creatures "What do you mean I fell!?!" They seemed to jump back "How does falling turn me into a fucking furry?!?!" you yelled. "Miss please boss wi-" his voice stopped at the doorknob turned, silence once again plaguing ears as a large snake like humanoid slithered into the room. Though dressed like an old fashion gentleman the countless dark pink eyes drew a mess of discomfort especially when they moved to glare at the trio of eggs. "I knew I should have been patient and watched you myself and yet I made the mistake of putting these idiots in charge." There was a faint hiss to his voice as he spoke, hardly audible but still there. "You three, assist #36 in the workshop and try not to break yourselves" with that little order the three egg like creatures quickly scurried out of the room leaving you and the snake like humanoid alone. He seemed to face palm and close the door "My apologies, I thought I'd be able to greet you when you first woke up but it seems not." He seemed to straighten himself out and mess with his bow tie, the hat on his head grinning along with him "I'm sure you're quite frightened and confused but fear not. I, the great Sir Pentious, shall bring you up to the latest date on things" he said. Thought you had no idea why but just the way he said it gave a familiar vibe, you felt as thought you really weren't going to like the explanation he gave. Still curiosity got the better of you and you gave a faint nod letting him know that he had your full attention. "I'll try to explain it as the hip kids these days would" you could already feel yourself die a bit inside when he said that, things only got worse as he started his explanation. "Basically bae, one way or another you got dunked on and instead of spawning in heaven you got yeeted down to hell as a mofo demon." While you somewhat understood what he was saying it was practically killing you again just to hear him, the way he emphasized saying the lingo was next to torture with the secondhand embarrassment. "I just happened be hitting the Juul when I saw you fa-" "Stop" you cut him off mid-sentence, you got the hell part of it since it was torture just listening to that but a less cringy explanation was desired. "How rude, it wasn't that bad was it?" he asked "Painful" you replied "Just... explain it to me normally" a disappointed sigh escaped him but he went with your request for a more professional explanation. "Very well. What has happened is, you passed away and have been reborn as one of hells denizens as punishment for the sins you committed in life" he explained. There was a faint hope that this was all some horrid dream, yes you weren't perfect but you didn't want to believe that heavens rules would be so cut throat. All eyes were on you as claws pinched through skin, claws piercing through as though flesh was paper. A small hiss escaped from you as you pulled your hand back and watched discolored blood start to pool and drip down from the little holes in your arm. The faint burning pain and horrid warmth of blood far to realistic to be from some sick fever dream. "I'm sorry but this isn't a nightmare that you can simply wake up from. Believe me, we've all tried at some point" he said. A stone seemed to weigh down your chest, it seemed that even the simplest of mistakes were unforgivable in the eyes of god. "I see" you muttered, such simple mistakes leading to eternal damnation didn't see fair but those choices were not yours to make. "So then Sir Pentious, are you the demon assigned to torture me for all eternity?" you asked. Surprisingly he put his hands up and shook his head "What? No, no, no! Hell isn't like that. I mean, we do torment each other but it's not assigned torment" he trailed off for a moment. "We all just exist down here, it is a lot like the surface world but more... chaotic in nature. Everyone fending for themselves and the hierarchy doing what they can to keep power. You only wound up inside my domain because I happened to be nearby when you fell and noticed that you never woke up during the fall" he explained. Shifting over and getting up off the bed you stood up taking another glance at the new form given to you, it wasn't that bad looking just not what you were used to. "and you brought me here to recover?" he nodded "I may be a demon but I wasn't going to leave a freshly fallen woman on the ground in broad daylight, especially when everyone is out running amuck." Something didn't feel right "Why would he help a random person? Is this a trick or is he a screw up like me?" you thought to yourself silently. Regardless of the reason why if he was willing to assist you, even for only a few moments, no doubt it would help until you could figure things out for yourself. "Thank you, I'm (Y/n)" his scaly hood seemed to shift for a moment revealing yellow and more dark pink eyes hidden away "You're welco-" a loud crash and crack cut him off as it echoed down the hallway. His look of smug joy fading in the same instant it was there. Eyes narrowed in annoyance as he glanced over back at the door "Curse it" he hissed out, turning his gaze back to you he seemed to relax for a moment "I need to check on something, are you well enough to walk with me?" he asked. New legs were somewhat off but after the first two steps it was easier to adjust and move normally, despite walking with almost no heel it somehow felt more natural to you. Sir Pentious slithered over to the door and held it open letting you exit into the hallway first.

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