Baco 2: New Feelings

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Yes, yes, I know what u bout to say. Omga! Another fanfic about Taco! Wats yo problems? U iz obsessed with anthropomorphic Mexican food! AAAAAH! And to that, I say...yes I am. After this, I'll take a break on the Taco tales...or at least I'll try...maybe.....onto the fic!


            Taco sat outside, basking in the sun like she'd always do with Barf Bag. She would be with her, but she was busy discussing some things about the show with her team. She sighed in boredom, not having much else to do. "Today is way too slow.", she said, "I can't just lay here! I need action!" She got up and punched a tree without thinking. She made a small dent in it, but not without having to feel the consequences. "Gah! A splinter! Why the hell would I do that?", she said, scorning herself. Eventually, though, an idea came to her. "I could go back to Yoyle Peek! The view there always cheers me up.", she said. She got up, and started walking forward, feeling the damp grass flatten with each step she made. She trudged on for 2 and a half miles, barely fazed by the seemingly long walk. I mean, she's run 100 times that amount in temperatures 1000 times what it was then.
         When she arrived at her destination, she walked up to the highest point and set herself down, finally relaxing her muscles. She looked down on all of Yoyleland, taking in all the sights. It made her feel happy to be there again, having stopped going there shortly after her team had forgiven her. She had forgotten why she stopped in the first place. "Why would I give up a place like this? It so awesome up he-", Taco stopped her sentence abruptly upon seeing something. A sharp edged rock shard, stained with dry blood...her blood. She walked over to the stone weapon and picked it up. A memory came back to her...
         "That's right! Run away from your problems like you always do!", Book shouted after Taco, who was sprinting in the opposite direction. She was sobbing silently to herself, her tears blurring her vision. She ran up to Yoyle Peek, a place that never failed to soothe her. When she made it there, she bent over a rock and cried heavily. Her tears seemed endless. "Why won't she believe me?", she whispered. Rage slowly built up in her, mixing with her intense sadness. Not a good mixture. "WHY WON'T SHE BELIEVE ME!?", she yelled out. She pick up the rock and threw against a boulder, watching it shatter upon impact. A piece hit her face, creating a scar on her forehead, before falling to her feet. She felt a little drop of blood trickled down her face. She picked up the rock shard and smiled with no emotion. "It's perfect.", she whispered. She held out her arm and grazed a sharp edge of the rock across it. She did it again. And again. And again. Laughing quietly as she did so.
          Tears formed in Taco's eyes. She shook her head ferociously and threw the rock shard over her shoulder. "That's why...that's why I stopped coming here...the memories. That was just one of them. What else did I try to forget?", she said. "Taco?", she heard a voice call out softly from behind her. She turned around and saw Book, confusion and happiness in her expression. "Hey, Book...what're you doing here?", Taco asked her. "I always come here. It helps me relax.", Book answered, "My intention was to just escape reality for a bit, but then I saw you. You threw a rock with something red on it in my direction. And then you started saying something about memories." Taco broke into a cold sweat. "Uhm..." she muttered under her breath. "Taco, is there something you gotta talk about?", Book asked "You can tell me. You know you don't have to be afraid of me anymore." Taco looked down at her feet. "Alright...come on, sit.", she said to Book, who obeyed her command. Taco told her about her history with Yoyle Peek. How she ran there every day to cry, yell, destroy...and cut. How she found peace and mental stability from everything she saw and did there. How she was secretly on the brink of madness, and only really expressed herself there. All these things Taco said caused immense guilt to form in Book's stomach. "Oh my God, Taco. I-I'm...I really caused you that much pain?", Book asked her quietly. Taco nodded, trying to hold back her tears and swallow her sadness. Book looked at her. She could see her pain. She took her hands into hers, and turned her so that she would meet her gaze. "Taco.", she started, "I didn't really get to give you a proper apology, so I will now. I'm so sorry, Taco, I'm so sorry. I had no concern as to how I made you feel. All I cared about was that you 'abandoned' us, and that you deserved everything I gave you. I want you to know that I regret everything that I've done to you. The guilt still remains with me. I'll say it again, I don't care how many times I say it, because it still won't make up for the pain I caused you...I'm sorry, and always will be." There was a short moment of silence. "Book...", Taco said. She teared up and pulled Book close to her, holding her tight. "I already forgave you.", she continued. Taco rested herself on Book's chest, slowly loosening her grip. Book smiled down at her. The remained quiet for a while, taking in both the nature around them, and each other's warmth.
         "Book?", Taco said, breaking the silence. "Yeah?", Book replied. "Back when you guys were still mad at me, I couldn't help but notice you held the biggest grudge of everyone.", Taco said, "You were the one who teased me the most, beat me the most...hurt me the most. Is there any reason why?" Book became severely anxious, feeling more of that horrible guilt to bubble up in her bowels, along with the secret that she couldn't bring herself to least until now. "Taco, there's something I never told you.", Book began, "See, there is a reason I was harsher to you than everyone else. It's for that same reason I followed along with your plan in episode one. Taco...I've had feelings for you for a while now. Feeling I don't really know how to explain. I felt hurt, having thought you had no feelings towards me at all." Book looked over to her side, too nervous to make eye contact with the small girl in her lap. Meanwhile, Taco was frozen in awe. Of all the people in the show that could've liked her, Book was one of the last she'd ever expect...and the one she's always hoped. "I..." "Hate my guts?", Book said, interrupting Taco. "No, Book. The complete opposite.", Taco said. She grabbed Book's face and kissed her deeply. Book, initially shocked, had quickly adapted, a strong sense of euphoria traveling throughout her body, as well as Taco's. Lasting for almost 3 minutes, the two finally broke the kiss, staring at each other intently, blushing heavily. "I love you, too, Book.", Taco said with great sincerity.
Extra Part:
         The two cuddled up close to each other, perfectly comfortable in each other's embrace. Having finally completely put the past behind them, at last, they were able to live worry free...unless you count the show. "Hey, Taco, one more thing.", Book said, "You wanna now what else caused a good portion of my anger?" "What?", Taco asked curiously. Suddenly, Book pinned Taco down to the ground. "A little thing called...sexual tension~."

Goodness, that's probably the longest and most emotional oneshot I've written so far. Welp, hope u guys enjoy. Comment, like, and subscribe. Hit that bell button to get notifications of my new content. I'll see you guys soon...BAI.

Also, I think we can all agree these two found love in a seemingly hopeless place. Well, emotionally hopeless.

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