Object Read Their Wiki Pages: P1 8-Ball

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Ok, so I decided to try something I thought would be fun and hopefully even funNY...that wasn't funny. I'm gonna write about all the BFB characters reading their wiki pages in alphabetical order. Tell me how you guys like it. If you do, I'll continue. Enjoy!

"Hmm...what's this? A BFDI wiki?", 8-Ball asked himself in a low monotone voice, "I don't have a favorite number, but let's check it out." 8-Ball (somehow) clicked his name on the screen, and was taken to his wiki page. "Hey look, it's me before they took my legs. Why do I look so simplistic and...simple...istic?"
He began to scroll down and continued to read. "'59th, 4,819 votes '...well way to rub in my failure.", he mumbled quietly, "Color: Black, would've never guessed." He scrolled down some more. "'Failed to join BFDI and BFDIA', thank you for that sweet reminder. The one time I actually wanted to get a lot of votes I got 8...hehe 8...IS NOT MY FAVORITE NUMBER!"

"'8-Ball is a #8 billiard ball'...for real? Like no one watching this show knows that. I would hope anyone with the ability to read numbers could've figured that out. 'Used to play billiards', again, we don't need that information. You just said I was a BILLIARD ball. Geez. 'Changes'? Who gives a hot damn about changes? Who reads that? You can SEE changes. '8-Ball has legs', ooh, good eye detective. 'Shine gradient?'. If the person reading this doesn't know what an 8-Ball is, how the heck will they know what shine gradient means? '8-Ball moves by rolling'...what the hell else am I gonna do. I'm round, I have no limbs, and I'm heavy. What, am I gonna fly? No, I'm gonna buy some legs. I'll call 1877- legs for kids. I'll got to Limb-Mart. Sheesh, I'm getting to into this whole thing...whatever, I don't have a favorite number so it's fine ."

"'Currently my fumes are affecting Saw'? What're they trying to say? Do I have a musk? When did all this happen?  'Speaks with a bland, monotone voice', that's called sarcasm you pillock. 'Got emotional and almost started to cry', yeah go ahead and throw some more embarrassment into this sorrow soup, just for that tangy depression taste. 'Successfully managed the team after Golfball's death', finally something good. YA HEAR THAT GB? EVEN THE WIKI PAGE KNOWS I'M BETTER!" "Shut up 8-Ba...wiki page?", Golfball replied.

"'Caused his team to almost lose twice'...I knew it wasn't gonna last. I DIDN'T mean to do that, alright? You said yourself I was trying to be funny. 'He comes across as somewhat dim-witted', ok I'm about to turn this thing off. Dim-witted they said. 'Coverage', no one cares about coverage. If you watch the show, you know the coverage. I'm just gonna skip that part. 'Trivia', let's see now. '8-Ball temporarily acted as the new leader'...how the hell is that trivia? Literally everyone who has heard of this show has this information carved into their memories. Tell us something we don't know. 'Got 8 votes, eliminated in eight episode, eighth place', oh you friggi- I will repeat this one more time. I...you still with me...don't have a favorite number!"

"Maybe that will stick. Now. 'One of the few contestants to have never survived an elimination', who the hell wrote this? Freaking Golfball? Whoever it was had fun writing all these insults.

"Ok, y'know what. Just for fun, let's read the comments.

HoomanGuy says '8-Ball is one of my favorites in OFA'. The hell is OFA? Thanks, I suppose.

Kulerage says, 'I wonder how knowledgeable 8-Ball is on the number 8'. Well, Kulerage, I'd say I'm about as knowledgeable on the number 8 as I am on the fact that I don't have a favorite number.

Gmo666...ooh...says, 'If I could choose a character to rejoin, I'd choose him. He's funny, shouldn't have been elim'd and Liy will rejoin anyway'. One, she didn't, ha, two, thank you very much Gmo, and three...elim'd?

Kara Kane says, 'He is ok, but he was terribly written'. Best way to combine a mild compliment, and a hard hitting insult. Thank you dear.

BloxTheLoco2900 says, '8-BALL IS AFRICAN'. Hmm he even gave some proof:  https://polandball.wikia.com/wiki/8ball
Not only is that racist to some extent, but I am an object...my race is 8-Ball, or, to be wiki specific, #8 billiard ball.

"Well, I'm gonna end this here before it gets uninteresting. Hope this was enjoyable to you. This is 8-Ball, and I don't have a favorite number. Oh yeah, and please tell me...

...what's wrong with Saw?

Well that was...that. Hope you laughed at least once reading that atrocity. Oh yeah, If you want me to continue this, comment. I can either do this alphabetically, or according to your suggestions. Whatever u want. I might not be able, or want, to do a few of them though. Again, hope u guys liked it. I sure had fun. Peace ✌.

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