Gabop/Bleh: Where is Saw?

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"Hmmm....", Book said, thinking to herself. She couldn't help but feel like something was missing. She just didn't know what it could have been. She knew, however, it was something important. "Something? No...someone perhaps.", she mumbled. She thought and she thought before letting out an exaggerated gasp. "Oh god.", she said to herself before running to gather her team.
"I brought you guys all here today because there's a certain someone missing from our team.", Book said. "Book...", Taco said. "Nononono, don't worry.", she rushed out. She once again put her focus on the matter at hand. "Have any of you seen Saw recently?", she asked curiously. Everyone looked around at each other, before shaking their head no at Book. Their eyes widened in realization. "Wait...Saw's missing!", Gaty exclaimed. "Oh gee, really?", Lollipop replied sarcastically, "Like we didn't just figure that out." "Maybe the fumes killed her of?", Book said. "Don't you think Four would have recovered her by now?", Taco said. "Well yes, but Four is...Four. Usually we gotta ask for things like that.", Book said.
The girls went over to Four hurriedly. "Four, can you recover Saw please?", Lollipop asked. "I can't recover living contestants.", Four answered in his scrunchy voice. "Well if she's still alive, tell us where she went!", Gaty exclaimed. "If I knew, I would've gotten her myself.", Four said before blasting the seven girls away from him.
"Guys, we just gotta face facts. Saw probably abando-" "BOOK!", Taco screamed, interrupting Book. Book flinched in response. "We are not gonna do that again! If Saw got mad when I 'abandoned' you guys, what makes you guys think she would do so as well?", Taco asked. "Taco's right. But with that being said, what could she be doing?", Lollipop said. "Well what are these fumes you guys mentioned earlier. Remember, I was dead.", Taco said. "When 8-Ball was crushed, he released some fumes that Saw ended up inhaling. When she did, she couldn't stop saying eight.", Book said. "8-Ball was crushed? Huh, kinda like me.", Taco said. "Yeah, except he was crushed by the moon.", Lollipop said.
Taco shuddered when she heard the word moon. "Taco, is something wrong?", Gaty asked. Book leaned in close to her. "Bell?", she whispered. Taco nodded. Book hugged Taco for a little while. "What is happening?", Gaty asked, highly confused. "Not important. But since Taco mentioned it, maybe Saw went to do something about the effect of those fumes.", Book said. "That's actually a good theory.", Lollipop said. "Actually? What the heck are you trying to-" "Don't start." Gaty said. "Maybe she went to get a new handle?", Taco questioned. "Also plausible. Perhaps she couldn't wait until she died to get it back.", Lollipop added.
After minutes went by of them guessing all the possible things Saw could've been up to, there was a rustling from the bushes that caught the girls' attention. Out from said bushes popped Saw. "Surprise!", she yelped. She had a slightly different appearance, baring a now blue handle. "Saw? Where have you been?", Taco exclaimed. Saw glared at Taco. "Why would you care, traitor?", she asked sharply. "Relax, Saw, none of it is true. Taco finally told me off. We were wrong.", Book said, looking down. "Yeah! So before you say anything, let me just say I would stick with you guys no matter what. I wouldn't trade a single one of you for the world.", Taco said. Saw's face softened. "I guess I really should've known. Sorry, Taco.", Saw said. Saw shook her head. "But we'll talk more about it once I tell you all where I've been.", she said. She took a place next to Taco, smiling at her. "Reconciliation always starts somewhere.", she said patting Taco on the head.
"Anyways, I was beginning to get tired of those stupid 'EIGHT' outbursts of mine, so I though I'd go get them checked out. Unfortunately for me, the nearest doctor is literally nowhere near nearest, so that was something I had to deal with. Took me at least five hours since I had to go there by foot. Once I did, it took me a few weeks of medication and speech therapy to finally get over it. Once I left the facility, I thought that I should get a new handle while I was still out. But lucky me, the nearest woodworker was at least a day's journey by foot, and I had no choice. I got there tired and sweaty. I went up to the worker, Plank was his name, and I pleaded for him to give me a new handle...and some water. He gave me the water, and started to make me a new handle. He was really focused, putting a surprising amount of work into a simple handle. Eventually, it was finished. A turquoise blue handle that really caught my eyes. He attached it to me, and sent me off with two bottles of water." "Wait, but that's just barely a month. What about the other two?", Gaty asked. Saw summed everything up in a short, simple statement, ".....The writers were lazy."

Ok, I know what you're thinking. "Tico Tayco! This isn't a oneshot! AHHHH, FALSE TITLE!" Well neither was the first one, so stop complaining. Yeah, I can read thoughts. Well, only that thought. Anyway, if you want oneshots, I'm gonna need some requests first. Otherwise, you'll get my own requests, or silly short stories like this one. Please request, you guys, it makes my life so much easier. Bye, ly!😊

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