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Minho POV

I left my Hannie alone to his room so that he could sleep. When I closed the door I made sure that it was locked. I do trust Hannie, but I still feel like he would try to escape, considering that my Hannie hasn't been with me for that long and is still panicking a little.

I stood outside of his room for a moment. I heard him still sobbing which broke my heart. Hannie should never be upset. No, Hannie should be happy and smile more often, smile with me. When he smiled at me I felt butterflies in my stomach, like I always do while being with him, but this time it felt different.

This time it made me feel good about myself seeing that he had experienced something good, making him smile. His happiness makes me happier.

The moment Hannie told me, that he is not going to leave me made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I'm so in love with him.
I didn't want to be that far away from my Hannie, so I decided to stay and sit outside his room, leaning against the door. After some time I heard his soft snores and smiled to myself imagining how he looked while sleeping.

I got up from my spot and opened the door to see what Hannie looks like while sleeping. I walked quietly towards him, so that he wouldn't wake up. I sat down beside his mattress. Once again, my Hannie looked like an actual angel, making me breathless.

His eyes were still very red from crying, but it somehow made him look even more adorable. His lips were sligthly parted, small snores escaping from his mouth. The cutest thing about the moment was him hugging the pillow like his life depended on it. I wish that I were that pillow.

Hannie looked very peaceful while sleeping. I noticed how stressed he normally looked, but when he was sleeping all of that was gone. I would usually envy others when they had the ability to sleep just like that, unlike me. But seeing Hannie sleep made me happy. He made me happy. If only he stayed by my side I would be happy forever. I wouldn't need to wish for anything else when I had him next to me.

After some time of admiring his face I brought my hand up to his puffy cheek to gently stroke it. His skin was very soft. Literally everything about my Hannie was so perfect and etheral. Was he even real?

I started playing with Hannies hair. I figured that he had showered not that long ago, because his hair felt very soft and fluffy. He also smelled nice. He smelt like green apples and cinnamon, which I think is now my favourite scent in the whole world.

My eyelids started feeling heavy after about 2 hours of me just playing with Hannies hair and staring at his beautiful face.

Jisung POV

I slowly opened my eyes, still not having any clue what time it was. I looked to my left, just to see Minho sleeping on the floor next to me. I honestly freaked out for a moment, not expecting to him be the first thing I see in the morning.

Minho still scared me. Alot actually.
I always feared that he would come up with something crazy, that would be unpleasant for me. I sat up from where I had previously laid down. My body ached a little, especially my head, even after laying in that comfort. The room had still very dim lighting, but it wasn't nearly as dark as before.

Then my eyes laid on the door. It was open. I thought that this was my chance to leave, so I got up as quietly as I could, making sure not to wake up Minho and walked to the door.

I fully opened the door, just to see a staircase going up. I started walking quietly, still making sure that Minho wouldn't wake up, and left the basement, inhaling the fresh air. It felt really good to finally get out of that room.
My first goal was to check if the front door is locked and after that look for a phone and other ways to leave, like a window.

I was at the end of the staircase. I entered Minhos home, it looked like I was in his livingroom. It wasn't anything that I would've expected.

Everything looked clean and almost untouched. The place was also really fancy, everything looked expensive. The house had a fresh feel to it. The color palet was white, and the marble floor was shining from how blanched it was. After that I looked up, just to see a huge chandelier. I also saw stairs going up. I assume that's where his bedroom is.
Minho was rich? Where does he work?
I don't think Minho is able to work..
Does he steal money then?

I looked at the pretty big window. It was morning I think.

I looked around in awe, but then remembered my "escape plan." I started looking for the vestibule, being succesful after noticing what I thought was the frontdoor.
I sprinted there quick, but still quiet enough not to wake Minho up. I turned the door knob, just to see that It's locked. I honestly didn't expect anything else.
I turned around to look for a phone or another way to leave, just to see Minho standing there, not that far away from me. I had a mini heart attack after seeing him stand behind me. He probably caught me. Fucking great...

Instead of him being mad and trying to strangle me or something, which I thought he would, he just stood there yawning and stretching his arms cutely. After that he just started rubbing the sleepy from his eyes, almost not paying any attention to what I just tried to do.

"Good morning Hannie~", he said and smiled at me. I think that was the first time when I wasn't scared of Minho. I wasn't scared at all. At that moment he acted and looked truly innocent.

"Morning.." I mumbled back at him, looking at the ground. I took a quick glance at his face, just to see him smile even more wide and blushing lightly. It feels like every time I acknowledge him, he gets happy and smiles even more. I felt my cheeks heat up just the slightest at the sight of him smiling. What's wrong with me?
"Hannie must be hungry. Let's eat breakfast~ Just follow Minho and he will lead you to the kitchen!" Minho took bouncy steps to the other direction while giggling quietly. I gulped. I suddenly was scared of him again.
I just nodded, even though I knew that he couldn't see it and silently followed him.


"Yes, Hannie?"

"Can I ask you questions while we eat?"

"Of course Hannie~ Minho would be more than happy to answer you!"


Word count: 1183

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