Competition Day (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

"Sorry about that."

"It's okay. Why are you running around and screaming things?"

"Oh just chasing after my friend who took my phone so nice talking to you, but I gotta run after someone." I ran down the stairs looking everywhere for Amanda. 

"AMANDA! WHERE ARE YOU? GIVE ME MY PHONE BACK?" I looked in every room and couldn't find her. I ran back to my dorm room and looked for her phone. I found it on my bed and called my phone. I listened for the ringing and walked back out of the room. I heard it faintly from the bathroom? What the hell? I walked in and found Amanda standing in the corner reading all of my messages. I snuck up behind her and grabbed my phone out of her hands. I ran back to my room and landed on my butt on my bed. 

"I'm back! I got it back!"

"That was hilarious babe."

"Harry I hate you and oh look my mouse is hovering over the end call button."

"You wouldn't!"

"I would!" He then started to belt out the lyrics to I would while I just ended the call. I went back to my paper and saw that he was still trying to call me back. He called me twenty times and I wouldn't answer each time. Finally I thought that he had given up when Lou called me. 

"Hi Lou!"

"Bindi why did you hang up on me? I was trying to say sorry." I screamed out in surprise when I saw Harry's face with Lou's. I then heard someone run in. I saw it was the rest of the band. 

"We heard screaming, but I guess everything is alright. Hi Bindi! How are you?" Liam asked me.

"I'm great and yourselves! I'm also trying to finish this seven page paper, but I keep getting interrupted." Harry started to cough fake, but I gave him a death glare.

"Shut it Harry!"

"I'm good and why aren't you working on your paper then?"

"Well as I said I keep getting interrupted by Harry here."

"You aren't even doing it! You're bullshitting it!"

"Shut up Harry! It's one paper!"

"Bindi you shouldn't be doing that. Read your assignment before you write the paper."

"Well Liam would you like to do it for me then?"

"I'm good, but thanks."

"What about you Zayn? Louis?"

"We're good, but thanks." I groaned and held my head in my hands. I only had about two pages done due to some distractions. How was I ever going to finish this paper?

"Alrighty guys I really need to finish this so I'll talk to you all later." I waved and said my goodbyes while they all said their goodbyes. I hung up and started to groan again when I realized I had exactly two hours before this was due. I started to type random things now, but not before I read them making sure that they still connected to my topic. I was typing like a crazy person while Amanda fell asleep about 20 minutes ago. It was a minute before midnight when I submitted my paper and I was done finally. I put my laptop down and then got up to stretch. My fingers hurt and my legs were numb. My computer was ringing again. I saw it was Ash so I accepted.

"Hi big brother how are you?"

"Great and looks who's with me."

"Hi boys! How are you all?"

"We're great! Just sitting on our bus. Michael's playing FIFA against Liam right now."

"Bindi did you get your paper done?"

"Yes daddy I did. Just submitted it and it would have been done sooner if I didn't get interrupted so much" Cough Harry Cough.

"Sorry love, but I wanted to talk to you."

"I know babe I know. Well we can talk now unless you're busy?"

"Nope Ash give me your computer."

"No I want to talk to her. Bindi mum's been calling me and told me you haven't called home in a while why not?"

"I just saw them yesterday so I don't know why mum's all stressed."

"She's just worried. Call her later today."

"Ashton I just saw her yesterday. I'm not calling home. If you called to annoy me then I'm hanging up and partying."

"No you are not Bindi. I know you remember that. You don't party you party hard and I'm not picking you up from the hospital because you were too drunk and did something stupid."

"Fine fine I won't. I'm too tired to even try to party."

"Good girl. Now why didn't you do your homework before?"

"I was a little busy catching up on my zzzzzzz's."

"Well you deserve to. You were great!"

"Thank you! I try lol."

"Look go to bed and I'll call you tomorrow. Harry she looks like she's about to fall asleep right here."

"Alright alright bye Bindi. I love you and miss you!"

"I love you too my Hazzabear. BYE BOYS!"

"BYE BINDI!" I hung up and then hit the sack immediately. 



My Life in the Spotlight  (5SOS/One Direction Fan Fic) #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now