Chapter 10

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The day has come. We have to go back home... Ron told me that he would write to his mum about letting me stay over for the summer, and I'm honestly scared that he forgot to write it. Let's hope he remembered...

Hermione and I are in our room and we've basically finished packing. I decided that I would help her bring down her case and she said that she would help with mine once we moved hers. 

We're going down the stairs, dragging her case down one step at a time and we finally land on the common room floor. "Geez, Hermione, what do you have in there?" I ask, sighing and walking up the stairs again. "Books, clothing, school books, all the usual." She smiles.

I nod slowly and continue walking up the stairs. We reach the room again and she helps me pick up my case (which is extremely light by the way). I drop my side of the case, forgetting that I almost left something. 

I dash to my bed and reach under it near the wall pulling out a dark crimson red leather book with a lock. I quickly check my neck, feeling that I still have the key on my necklace. I sigh and put the key back under my shirt, stuffing the book in my case. Hermione looks at me extremely confused. "It was m-my mother's f-favorite story when she was y-young... She left it for me as a gift b-before I was born." I quickly say, picking up my side of the case again. 

"And what's so special about it?" She asks, looking quite curious. "She l-left it for me b-before she...died. She died t-the moment I was born..." I say quietly. Hermione looks at me sympathetically as we near the bottom of the stairs. "Everything will be fine, Y/n. You have a new family." I tilt my head and furrow my brows. 

"Meaning..?" I ask, not really understanding what she meant. "Us. Harry, Ron and I." She says as we drop my case on the ground next to hers. I smile, causing her to as well. I walk over and give her a quick hug before dashing up the stairs and picking up Venus in her cage. 

I run down again and we grab our own cases, walking down to the train. 


I hand a kind man Venus in her cage and another kind man picks up my case for me. I smile at them and see Harry and Ron. I skip over to them and hug them, as does Hermione. 

Ron and Hermione get onto the train and hold open the door, waiting for me and Harry who are speaking with Hagrid. We say our good-byes and Hagrid gives Harry a bright red leather book. 

Harry opens it and we see a woman and a man holding a baby. I point to the picture and ask, "Harry, are these your parents..?" He nods and looks up to Hagrid, thanking him. 

We trot our way back onto the train and we start talking about things we'll be doing that summer. I open the door to the compartment and dash in, sticking my head out the window and waving to Hagrid. He waves back and I sit, closing the window gently. 

Ron sits in front of me, Harry to my left. I glance out the window, getting lost in thought and Ron pokes me in the arm. "I've got something for you." I look down and he's holding a small scroll with a bright red bow, obviously (and adorably) tied by him. 

I take the scroll and untie the bow, opening it up. As I begin reading it, I'm completely shocked. It says: 

"Dear Ronald,

  I love that this is your first year of school and are already inviting people to stay over for the summer! I wanted to give you an answer straight away so that I wouldn't keep you from your school work, so of course! Tell her that I say she can stay over whenever she likes as long as it's okay with her parents. I understand that her parents are muggles and that they don't really comprehend how to owl someone, but let her know that she should ask her parents before she stows herself away in my house. Also, let her know that if she's nervous about meeting me, she shouldn't be! She also shouldn't be nervous about meeting your father either. We accept anyone and everyone in our home.


I smile and stand, hugging him as he stays sitting. He hugs me back and I quickly sit in my seat, clutching the note nervously. Ron places his hand on my knee from the seat in front of me and says this in an extremely calm voice, "Like my mum said, you shouldn't be nervous about meeting her." He smiles warmly as do I, finally feeling calm. 

The trolly witch came by soon after I explained what the note said to Hermione and Harry. "Anything off the trolly, dears?" I smile and ask for a chocolate frog, making sure that the window was closed to that I can catch it this time. 

This summer will definitely be one to remember.

ANNNNND another chapter finished! Apologies for this one being so short, I had to write something for the 10th and final chapter of this story. *shrug* I will be coming back soon with another book! And the second book of this fanfic will be the 2nd year of school. If you love these long chapters as much as I do when editing them, I will continue with as many books/years of this Ron x Reader until I get sick of writing (Which'll probably be never because I don't have a life!) Jupiter, Out!

Word count: 877

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