Chapter 2

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It's been a little while since we've entered this magical place, but I've seen so many things that I've never been able to see in that old house that my parents used to call a 'home'.

Every time I pass by a new location (which is pretty often), I smile and look at all the cool things that people outside of the wizarding world couldn't do. People like my parents.

Hagrid led us away from the rest of the shops and we all stood in front of this HUGE bank and he spoke, "Gringotts, the wizard bank! Ain't no safer place. Not one. Except perhaps Hogwarts." Harry follows Hagrid, as do I, asking, "What makes this place so safe?" Hagrid opens the door and lets us in, then closes the door whispering, "Yeh see, this 'ere place is run by them goblin fellers. There's only ever been two break-in's, or attempts, and the goblins have a protective enchantment placed on the building." He continues to walk while Harry and I are directly behind him, glancing at the working goblins time after time.

We reach the front of the room to see, presumably, the head goblin. "We've come ter take some money outta Mr Harry Potter's safe." The goblin looks at him through the top of his spectacles and glances back at Harry and me. "You have his key, sir?" Hagrid nods and says, "Got it 'ere somewhere..." He starts to pat himself down and reaches into a few of his pockets until he pulls out a tiny gold key and hands it to the goblin. The goblin looks at it very closely. "That seems to be in order." he nods and turns around. "Griphook!"

Another little goblin came running out and grabbed Harry's vault key. "An' I've also got a letter here from Professor Dumbledore." Hagrid holds up a piece of paper and shows the head goblin. "It's about the You-Know-What in vault seven hundred and thirteen." Harry and I exchange confused glances as the goblin says, "Very well. Griphook will be taking you down to the vaults."

Griphook does the 'follow me' motion and everyone follows. Harry and I tap Hagrid's arm, getting his attention. "What's the You-Know-What in vault seven hundred and thirteen?" We both ask in unison. "Can't tell yeh that," He says mysteriously. "Very secret. Hogwarts business. Dumbledore's trusted me. More'n my job's worth ter tell yeh that." My eyes widen a little.

The goblin then whistles and a small cart came up the tracks and straight towards us. It then takes an abrupt stop in front of Griphook. We climbed in, Harry and I Extremely close to each other and being squooshed by Hagrid.


We hopped out of the cart, leaving my beat up case in it. Griphook put in a code and sticks the key into the lock, twisting it. The extremely large door opens to show piles and piles of gold coins that Hagrid calls 'Galleons'. Both my and Harry's eyes widen and our jaws basically land on the floor. He and Hagrid walk inside and place about a handful of each, galleons, sickles, and knuts, in a small brown money bag.

"Y/n?" I look up as I hear my name being called. "You want a couple to buy your school books and such?" My eyes brighten and I nod a little. Harry hands me a handful of galleons and I make sure not to drop any. I reach for my case in the cart and pull it out, setting it on the floor and opening it. I grab my small, unused, money pouch and place the money inside.

I shut the case and place the money pouch on one of the belt loops of my pants, still smiling at Harry. "Back into the cart everyone." Griphook tell us grimly.

Everyone piles back into the small cart and it goes on it's way.


Hagrid and the goblin step out of the cart and approach the door. Harry and I stay behind and just peek off the side of the cart and pay close attention as Griphook starts unlocking the large door.

The Red Head Who Stole My Heart ~•Ron Weasley x Reader•~ (Book 1; Year 1)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin