Chapter 1

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I screamed as my vision began to get blurry. I was trembling as I ran up the stairs, quickly shoving myself into my room and locking the door. My breathing quickened as I slid down the door and started crying my eyes out.

I brought my knees to my chest and screamed again as I hear my step-mother, S-M/n, banging on the door and yelling. I just crawled away from the door and leaned against my extremely crappy mattress laying on the floor. I screamed at the top of my lungs as I punched the floor hard enough to make my hand and knuckles bleed. I heard crashing from downstairs and assumed my step-mother just got angry that she didn't get to me in time before I slipped away.

The tears just kept slipping down my face as I rolled onto my crappy mattress and cried into what was supposed to be my pillow. "It's my birthday tomorrow.... I completely forgot..." I thought. I'm turning 11, not that anyone cares anyway.

I sat up as the screaming died down and I just continued to stare at my bloody hand in dismay. I stood and walked to the window, wiping my tearstained face wishing for all of this to be over. I sat on the windowsill and just waited for some fairytale miracle, that I knew was never going to happen, to just appear and whisk me away to a wonderful land that I would never be tortured.

I have countless scars and cuts coming from S-M/n's enjoyment of torment. Including an extremely large scar going from under my right ear all the way to my bottom lip. F/n doesn't even pay attention to me anymore. I don't even think he remembers that I exist.

I don't own a hairbrush, so my hair's always a knotted mess. My arms and legs have more than plenty of scars coming from broken glass and even to the point of knives being thrown at me. I'm extremely pale and skinny from the lack of food and sun.

I started to put myself to sleep with all these horrid thoughts running through my head.


I slowly awoke to the soft tapping of something on my window. I shifted to a more comfortable position and opened the window, sleepily rubbing my eyes.

I looked out the window and squinted as something flew over my head and into my room. I gasped and quickly turned around to see an owl perched on the little table in the corner of my room.

I tilted my head as I approached the owl. It just chirped and dropped a letter on the table. It chirped again as I picked up the letter, and flew out the window.

I flipped it over and saw that it was addressed to me.

Ms. Y/n L/n
Room in the attic
Almost Abandoned house

I furrowed my eyebrows. "What? How does this letter know where I live?" I flipped it to the side with the seal to see a nicely imprinted stamp of some sort of crest.

My curiosity, getting the better of me, told me to open it and check it out. Before I opened the letter, I went and checked the time. "12:09....It's my birthday." I smiled to myself and grabbed the letter, softly humming the 'Happy Birthday' tune under my breath.

I sat on my 'bed' and started to carefully open the letter, in order to not rip it.

After a few minutes of trying to open the letter, I just resorted to ripping it. I opened it, and pulled out a couple of slips of paper stating the following: (I'm not gonna bore you to death by re-writing the letter so, just imagine I wrote it)

My eyes widened as I read the letter over and over. It was an invitation to a school called Hogwarts! The full name being Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

The Red Head Who Stole My Heart ~•Ron Weasley x Reader•~ (Book 1; Year 1)Where stories live. Discover now