Chapter 8

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After eating I threw the trash away and drove back home. I went inside the house and saw the boys on the couch watching T.V.
Paul: "you came back early!" He said surprised.
Elisabeth: "yeah, I found out they're closing until next weekend"
Ringo: "that's good you can hang out with us more" he smiles.
Elisabeth: "yes I will" I grin. I was about to get something from the kitchen cabinet until I stopped. John walks up to me, he looks worried.
John: "you okay?"
Elisabeth: "What about Jane, Pattie, Cynthia, Maureen!" They all glance at each other.
Paul: "who?"
Elisabeth: "you're girlfriend and wife's!"
John: "What" I started getting angry.
Elisabeth: "don't bullshit me" they all shrugged.
Elisabeth: "I can't believe I've been kissing and flirting with a man who has fucking girlfriend!" I ran towards my room and immediately pull out my laptop. I went on google and search up all the boys girlfriends and wife's names. Nothing.
I sat there in shock. The boys came in my room.
George: "are you okay?" I didn't respond.
John: "Elisabeth?"
Elisabeth: "They don't exist..." I said quietly.
Elisabeth: "John" he looks at me. His face was fill with worries.
John: "yeah?"
Elisabeth: "you had a child" he nods.
Elisabeth: "he doesn't exist anymore" I whisper. Tears started streaming down his cheeks. All of a sudden I started crying. I put my palms on my face.
Paul: "John, Elisabeth it's going to be okay" John and I nodded. It's weird how people get shocked if John ever cries. He doesn't look like the guy who would cry. I wrap my arms around John. I look at the rest of the boys. Tear stains were on there cheeks. I open another arm for the rest of them. They all went in. We all started hugging.
Elisabeth: "we can do this, together.." we all smile. Sniffles came in and out.
Now you all have been waiting for....THE DATE! I started dancing to a song called "The He Kissed Me
(Her dancing. Please watch)

I walk downstairs and saw Paul.
Paul: "Wow um uh-" he stutters and blushes.
Paul: "you look so beautiful" I smile.
Elisabeth: "Thank you"
Paul: "lets get going" we left the house and I close the door.
Elisabeth. "Where are we going?" I said while we both get inside my car. Paul is driving.
Paul: "a small restaurant"
Elisabeth: "How did you find it?"
Paul: "with the help of googoo" I giggle.
Elisabeth: "you mean google?"
Paul: "yeah" he blushes from embarrassment. I hope this date goes well.....

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