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"What are you doing here?" I asked my mother who left me all those years ago.

"John died two years ago from cancer so I moved back with the kids" She said as she looked at he little boy who was sitting on her hip. He looked about four. "You're pregnant" She said and I rolled my eyes.

"Oh my god! When did that happen?" I questioned sarcastically as I placed one of my hands on the large bump.

"Who is the father?" She asked as she shook her head

"Luke" I told her blankly. She rolled her eyes slightly before looking at the little boy sitting on her hip.

"You look like you are due any second" She said and I shook my head.

"I'm having twins" I said and she looked surprised.

"Wow, I am going to be a gr-"

"No you're not. I am not letting my kids anywhere near you" I told her and she looked hurt.


"You are a cruel woman. You don't care about anything unless it has to do with you" I told her.

"Olivia, let me explai-"

"Dad did. I don't need to hear it from you" I spat.

"Please let me make it up to you. I have been trying to get in contact since I moved back here"

"I don't want to be near you. I don't need you in my life. I am perfectly fine with Luke and my friends. I have Dad and Luke's family. We are happy and we don't need you coming back and f- screwing it up" I stopped my self from swearing because of the little boy that is my half brother.

"I just want to have my little girl back"

"I am not your little girl anymore. I am a married woman who is expecting children soon. I don't need you anymore. So leave me alone"

"Liv, what's happening?" I heard Madi say as she appeared behind my mum.

"Madi, this is my mother that we were just leaving" I said as I began to walk away quickly.

"Liv, plea-"

"Don't come near me again" I spat at her. Madi walked away with me and we quickly paid before going to the car.

"Lets go home and watch movies" She said and I nodded. The drive home was silent. When we got home I sat back down on the couch and pulled out my phone. I dialed Luke's number and he picked up after a few rings.

"hey" he said and I burst into tears. "Baby, what's wrong?" he asked.

"I miss you" I cried there was a little bit of silence before I continued. "I just want to cuddle you but you are on the other side of the world" I told him as I tried to regain my self.

"Sh baby it's okay. I will be home soon okay?" Luke said.

"Okay. I love you so much" I told him.

"I love you too. How are the twins going?"

"good. They have been kicking up a storm" I told him and he laughed.

"I wish I could be there" Luke told me with a sigh.

"I wish you could too" I said quietly. We spoke for a little bit longer before Luke had to go. That night Madi and I watched movies just like she promised.


Luke has been home for two weeks now and I couldn't be more thankful that I am with him again.

"Liv," He said as we sat on the couch together. "How long until they are due?" He asked as he placed a hand on my tummy.

"About a month" I told him and he smiled before pressing his lips to mine.

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