Chapter Five

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A boy, nowhere near the slender thing Gozuru was, sat in a white-walled room. His knees were drawn up to his chest, his dirty ash blonde hair falling over his forehead a little. His arms wrapped around his legs protectively.

It looked strange for a boy like him to be curled up like that, his muscular and well built frame obviously trying to seem small and weak. One wall was entirely bulletproof glass, thick and almost opaque, but if someone was close to the glass you could see them perfectly.

The boy stood. He paced the room, his movements sleepy and stiff. A small bandage covered the nape of his neck, and pale white scars lined his legs and arms; standing out from his darkly tan Latino skin tone. 

He wore hospital clothing, a simple white shirt and blue scrub pants that cut off at his knees. He was barefoot.

A knock at the glass alerted him. His head snapped up. His pale yellow eyes fixed on the glass, and on the figure beyond the barrier.

A slender young boy, with dark black hair and large, doe-like brownish-black eyes stood on the other side of the glass. His pale skin was offset by a dark gray shirt and black knee length jean shorts.

The boy in the room rushed to the glass. He at first placed his hands flat against the glass as though he couldn't believe what he saw. Then he leaned forward, his arms almost flat against the pane as he smiled widely at the ravenette.

Another boy walked up behind the slender black haired one. He placed his hand on the raven's shoulder and he smiled, the look in his eyes softening from disdain and regret to love and comfort.

Their interlaced hands were all the blonde could see. He felt cold rage bubbling up inside him. His boy was with someone else. He got thrown in here and his boy ended up with some guy who just wants him for his body.

The two in front of him flickered and faded away as he stormed around his small room. He didn't notice. They'd been a hologram but that was all it took for his temper to snap. He didn't even realize that the boys were gone.

A howl of rage escaped his throat as yellow-white light flickered under his skin. It traced his veins and clawed up his throat. The glow pooled in his shoulders, swirling around under his shirt and glowing a fierce cream yellow color.

Wings burst from his skin, only it wasn't blood or bone or muscle that splattered the floor behind him. Golden-white liquid and tissue splattered the floor as powerful, massive and indistinct wings ripped free from his shoulders. 

The wings were shaped like a bird's, but had no texture to them. They seemed to be almost fashioned from malleable plastic or rubber. He stumbled, falling to his knees. Slender feather-like feelers grew from his head, the same pale yellow as his 'blood' and wings.

The light pulsed through his veins a moment longer, drawing a tail from the base of his spine. The tail held no texture, just like his wings, like the feelers, and was that same glowing, cream yellow.

He stood. His eyes opened. And the glass wall shattered.

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