Chapter Four

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A cold lab room. 

A complex machine hooked up to a woman's stitched up body. 

Hooks pierced through her skin in various places, without any clothing whatsoever to get in the way. She was naked yes, but also for the moment passed out.

No blood dripped from the wounds; it had been drained from her body.

Yet her heart still beat. It pumped a strange, glowing fluid through her veins; a liquid that pooled up within her body and did not drip out like blood would.

A shadowy figure, wearing glasses and carrying a notebook, entered the room. Light flooded in for a moment, showing clearly the blonde, recently washed hair of the girl. The black stitches stood out garishly from her tanned skin.

A heavy mist swirled through the room, the result of the coolant used to keep the frigophobic liquid within her body. The shadow switched a lever, activating some process within the machine.

The hooks, and the chains they were attached to, pulled fiercely on her skin and muscle. Her flesh stretched out like spiderwebs, interwoven chains interspersed with holes, and her head snapped back.

She screamed, loud and shrill. She was still alive you see, a heart monitor in the corner beeping viciously loud before falling to a flatline as the hooks released her and her flesh snapped back into place like elastic.

The restraints keeping her in place dropped her onto the cold metal platform below. A dull green light flickered into life, the glow filling the circular platform she lay on.

Her eyes flickered before she was up, sprinting towards the man in the glasses and lab coat. He took a single step back, watching her body shift and transform.

Glowing greens and blues flickered through her tanned skin and the stitches fell out one by one as her body healed. Her body became watery, formless, melting into a creature as she ran at him.

Claws elongated from her fingers. Her skin became a glowing greenish blue like the bio-luminescent squid she once marveled at in the aquariums. When she skidded to a halt in front of the man who'd released the creature sealed under her skin, she was human no longer.

A slender serpent-like creature in her place, glowing greenish blue. It had no scales, instead bearing a semi-transparent look like water. Its snout was somewhat elongated, lined with sharp fangs the same pale glowing green-blue of her body. Her maw and tongue glowed a deep bluish-purple.

Her eyes were the same blueish-violet, without pupils or whites. Sharply spined fins ran the length of her spine and twelve slender, clawed limbs decorated her sides. Massive fins ran in between her limbs.

Webbing ribbed the space between her claws. Her claws were the same semi-transparent glowing green-blue as her body. Strong, lithe tendrils swirled from the end of her tail.

She snarled at him, her memories coming back in fits and starts from before she was sealed away in her human form.

He opened the vents, watching her rocket out of the room with newfound speed and agility. 

A faint smile graced his lips.

"I wonder if the boy got my note...."

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