Once A Kingdom's Flame (Part IV)

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You sat with your cup of morning tea in your hand staring out the large window overlooking the river. 

"Miss (y/n), you haven't touched your tea or breakfast at all. It's probably cold. Would you like something else?" You shook your head. You had been holding the cup of tea for at least an hour and hadn't taken a single sip. "Why, don't stay so blue." The young maid named Belle sat beside you. "The prince must not have himself put together to let someone like you walk away. He's got quite the empty skull, you deserve much better, m'lady." She sighed at your lack of response and stood. "I'll leave you to give you space, m'lady." You heard her light footsteps pat against the wooden floor before they ceased with the click of the door closing. You finally sighed and put the cup down.

"She's right, a fake like him isn't worth wasting tears on...yet the romantic in me cannot accept it. My heart itches with the feeling that he had a reason for not announcing a choice. Yet logically he is most likely a manipulative pleasure seeker going out for easy thrills. I cannot believe I let myself slip up and fall for someone like that..." You looked over at the withering rose on the side table, doing your best to tame the urge to rip its beauty to shreds. 

You hadn't slept for even a fleeting moment once you returned home. You didn't even change out of the gown. You just sat in the comfortable armchair in your room which looked out at the rushing water. I should probably change, I've probably already gotten bruises from this damn corset. You stood and began tugging the laces and strings and fabric away from your body. You put on a (f/c) day dress, not bothering with a corset. You were returning to the chair when you kicked the crinolines aside that blocked your path, but something caught your attention. The skirts and petticoats were all pure white yet you noticed a spot of yellow, the color of parchment. As you sifted through the fabrics there was indeed something foreign tucked between the layers. It indeed was parchment; a note.

"Wait. Mourn. False skins. The meadow, once more." You read softly to yourself, not bothered by the fact that 'once' had been written as 'onece'. "Did he..." You remembered taking your skirts off, leaving them aside as your attention was stolen. You agreed that it was possible for him to tuck in such a small note in a split second while you weren't looking. "Am I supposed to still my heart and hope, or do I fill it with spite at the possibility that he's still playing with me?" You crumpled up the paper in your hand but decided not to dispose of it. Not yet at least...

Days passed. The days turned into weeks and the weeks turned into months. You were angry with yourself for actually believing there could be some masterful plan. It had been almost four months since the ball but there was no news about the prince choosing a bride. In fact there was not even a thin slice of gossip having to do with the palace. Your parents informed you that they were in contact with multiple families hashing out deals to arrange your marriage. You had accepted your reality and shut away all parts of you holding any speck of fantasy or wishes for things to be different.

You were strolling around your garden one afternoon, enjoying the fresh air and clear day as it had been rainy and dreary for a while. 

"His highness is dead!"

"His majesty has perished!"

You spun around at the panicked shouts. A group of young men ran through the street, obviously very distraught. 

"Excuse me..." You hurried over to the fence that bordered the enclosed garden. "...is our king deceased?! Did he succumb to an ailment?!" You weren't sure why you were unnerved by the news.

"Nay. Not our king, lady. Our prince!" You suddenly felt faint, faltering on your feet a bit.

"H-how?! Was there an accident? Did he fall ill? Was he murdered?!" You were breathless, panicking at the possibilities. 

Once A Kingdom's Flame (Todoroki x Reader) [Fantasy AU]Where stories live. Discover now