One foot after the other, he walked himself home, but when he turned the corner onto his block, he froze. Three people were standing at his door. Dean was leaning on the door itself, arms folded stubbornly, while Gabriel and Emily stood in front of him. They appeared to be trying to argue with him, and Gabriel was holding a key in his hand.

He steeled himself, then approached them. Dean saw him first and unfolded his arms, his expression softening.

{Are you okay?} Dean signed.

{I will be.}

{I saw them come this way, so I followed them} Dean explained. {I found them looking for your spare key. I didn't think you would want them in here}

{You did the right thing} Cas reassured him.

Cas then addressed Gabriel and Emily. 'When I told you to get out of my bakery, I didn't mean get out and then break into my apartment. What is the matter with you?'

'Tell your guard dog to get out of the way, so we can go inside and talk,' Emily said.

Gabriel groaned.

'No, no, you don't get to talk about him like that,' Cas said. 'He means more to me than you ever have or ever will, so back off.'

'All right, everyone needs to calm down,' Gabriel said. He walked closer to Cas. 'Cas, please. Just listen to what she has to say.'

Cas sighed and rubbed his eyes. 'I can't believe you did this, Gabriel.'

'You know I wouldn't unless I thought it was worth it.'

'Yes, but you and I have very different definitions of "worth it" when it comes to her.'

'Please hear us out, just this once.'

Cas bit his lip and looked from Gabriel, to Emily, to Dean.

{You don't have to do anything you don't want to do} Dean signed, still standing at the door.

Cas ran his hands through his hair. 'Fine,' he said. 'Fine, I'll hear it if it makes you leave faster.'

Dean hesitantly stepped away from the door, but took the key from Gabriel. {Are you sure about this?} He asked, then gave Cas the key.

{Not really} Cas shrugged.

{I can come in with you}

{No, I'll be fine. You should go home}

Dean grabbed his notebook and wrote on it. {Here's my number. Text me if you need anything}

{Thank you} Cas gave a weak smile as Dean squeezed his shoulder.

Dean shot Emily a nasty look over his shoulder, before grudgingly walking away.

'Oh, Dean, wait,' Cas said, slightly frazzled.

Dean turned back.

{I forgot to pack up the leftovers, can you?}

{Of course I can}

Cas gave him the bakery key. {Just leave it where the spare goes when you're finished}

{Sure. See you later}

Dean disappeared around the corner and Cas opened his front door, stalling in the doorway for a moment before allowing Gabriel and Emily in. He closed the door once they were inside.

'Sit on the couch,' he said without looking at either of them.

Gracie came trotting out of the spare room, yowling loudly, clearly upset at their usual routine being disturbed. She jumped up on the counter, looking at Cas accusingly.

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